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No. The smallest living organism is Nanoarchaeum equitans. This minuscule microbe was only recently discovered in a hydrothermal vent off the coast of Iceland, and its cells are only 400 nanometers across.

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Q: Is amoeba the smallest single celled organisms on the earth?
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What is an example of single celled organisms?


What organisms are one-celled organisms?

one singled celled organism is an amoeba. usally single celled organisms are surrounded by water to survive.

Are there any single celled organisms?

Yes, it is the amoeba.

Is Amoeba a single celled?

Yes, amoeba is a single-celled organism. It belongs to a group of organisms known as protozoa and typically moves and feeds by extending its pseudopods.

What do protozoa amoeba and diatoms have in common?

They are all single celled organisms.

What is the name of a single celled organism?

AmoebaA single-celled organism is also called a unicellular organism._________________More Detailed:_________________Not only the single celled organisms from the family Amoeba, but also bacterium are single celled or unicellular.

Why are single celled organisms not animals?

Actually some single celled organisms are animals.animals - amoeba, paramecium, plasmodium, xenophyophoresplants - green algaefungi - yeast

Do amoeba have cells?

amoebas are single celled organisms-1 cell

How many cells make up amoeba?


How are amoeba and euglena alike?

well theyre all single celled organisms

How are amoeba's and paramecium's alike?

well theyre all single celled organisms

What are all single celled organisms referred to as?

Prokaryotes because they do not have a Nucleus.