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Red blood cells are cells that carry oxygen and contain a special substance called hemoglobin. In the lungs, oxygen combines with hemoglobin to give oxy-hemoglobin which is bright red in color.

Red blood cells wear out after a couple of months. The marrow manufactures new red cells to replace worn out ones. There are several million red blood cells in a single drop of blood.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Red blood cells are cells in the blood that utilize hemoglobin to transport oxygen to other cells in the body. Plasma is the fluid part of the blood that the other cells and molecules are suspended in.

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1w ago

A red blood cell is a type of cell, not a liquid. It is a specialized cell responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.

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14y ago

The plasma, it is the clear, pus-like liquid that comes after the initial bleeding process.

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Is a red blood cell part of the muscle system?

No. Red blood cells are part of the cardiovascular system.

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Your question is unclear - the liquid which carries red and white blood cells and platelets is blood. These cells are the solid component of blood, which separates from the liquid part (plasma) when centrifuged.

What is The liquid part of blood which carries red blood cells white blood cells and platelets called?

Your question is unclear - the liquid which carries red and white blood cells and platelets is blood. These cells are the solid component of blood, which separates from the liquid part (plasma) when centrifuged.

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Plasma is the liquid part of the blood. It holds the red and white corpuscles.

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The liquid part is plasma and the solid part are the RBCs(red blood corpuscles/cells).

Do red blood cells contain plasma?

Yes, plasma is the liquid part of blood

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What part of a red blood cell gives it the red color A. Platelet?


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