cabbage is a plant, does photosynthesis, so therefore it is a producer.
Since cabbages are green like trees and grass that use sunlight to make their own food, they are called producers.
it is a producer because it is a plant
Producer, because it produces food than eating them.
A consumer is something that eats other animals does a cabbage eat other animals, no it does not
A Producer is something that produces food for other living things to eat.
Eg. A carrot is a producer it provides foods for rabbits.
I hope I helped you with your question peace ✌
I think cabbage is consumer
It is a consumer.
The Musk Ox is a consumer, as it feeds on plants and small animals for energy.
it is a producer and consumer in its own respective ways.
A cabbage is a producer because it can make food with its green chlorophyll and it is a plant!
A roach is a consumer. Any thing that is green: trees, grass, cabbage, corn, peas, beans are producers. Everything else is a consumer.
A roach is a consumer. Any thing that is green: trees, grass, cabbage, corn, peas, beans are producers. Everything else is a consumer.
is a pollack a producer, or a consumer
Do you mean primary consumer? They may eat rodents, insects, plants etc. Let me give you an example Cabbage ---> slug -----> Bird (Producer) (Primary Consumer) (Secondary Consumer)
China is the biggest cabbage producer in the world.
It is a consumer.
its a producer.