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Animals are heterotrophic organisms. They obtain carbon from other animals.

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Animals are heterotrophic organisms. They obtain C from other organisms

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Q: Is a animal cell a saprotroph or heterotroph or autotroph?
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Is trichonympha animal like?

yes, it does not have a cell wall, and it is a heterotroph

Is influenza autotroph or heterotroph?

Influenza is a virus and thus does not fit into either the autotroph or heterotroph classification. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that require a host cell to replicate and cannot carry out metabolic processes on their own.

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Plantae has cell walls of cellulose and Animalia does not.Plantae is an Autotroph and Animalia is a Heterotroph.

What two ways that most members of the kingdom Plantae and the kingdom Animalia differ?

Plantae has cell walls of cellulose and Animalia does not.Plantae is an Autotroph and Animalia is a Heterotroph.

Is plant cell a autotroph or heterotroph?

Plants are autotrophic because they are able to synthesize their own food. Heterotrophic organisms such as animals need to get energy from eating other heterotrophs or autotrophs.

What are some general criteria you use to classify organisms?

1. Cell type (prokaryote or eukaryote) 2. Cell structure (if has cell walls, if so, what they're made of) 3. Number of cells 4. The way they eat (autotroph or heterotroph)

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What structures are found in the plant cells that are not found in the animal cell?

A cell wall made of cellulose and chloroplasts to preform photosynthesis with, thus making a plant an autotroph while all animal cells are heterotrophs.

Is red blood cell autotroph or heterotroph?

Red blood cells are neither autotrophs nor heterotrophs because they lack organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts needed for these processes. Red blood cells primarily function to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

Is vorticella and autotroph or a hetertroph?

Try the spelling "vorticella" and you might get more answers. These organisms are not plants, so they shouldn't have cell walls. They're quite flexible. Watch them and you'll notice that they consume and digest microbes.

Eubacteria heterotroph or autotroph?

Eubacteria can be both heterotrophs and autotrophs. Heterotrophic eubacteria obtain their carbon and energy from organic compounds, while autotrophic eubacteria can generate their own energy through processes like photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

What are the 3 characteristics used to determine kingdoms?

The three main characteristics used to determine kingdoms in taxonomy are cell type (prokaryotic or eukaryotic), cell structure (unicellular or multicellular), and mode of nutrition (autotroph or heterotroph). These characteristics help classify organisms into different kingdoms based on their fundamental biological features.