Centigrade also known as Celsius is the interval system for the measurement of temperature where Fahrenheit is a thermodynamic temperature scale. 70 degrees centigrade is equal to 158 degrees Fahrenheit. 70 degrees Fahrenheit is 21.1 degrees centigrade.
212 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 100 degrees Celsius. This is the boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure.
The temperature range is 53 to 70 degrees.
Greenland is located at approximately 70 degrees north latitude and 40 degrees west longitude.
10 degrees N 70 degrees W is located near the northern coast of South America, in the region of Colombia or Venezuela.
The average room temperature is typically around 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. This range is considered comfortable for most individuals.
It's 100 degrees centigrade
-18 degrees Celsius is equal to 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dergree's centegrade Fahrenhight Degrees Kelven
212 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 100 degrees Celsius. This is the boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure.
70 Fahrenheit is equivalent to 21 degrees Celsius.
70 degrees Celsius = 158 degrees Fahrenheit
70 degrees Celsius = 158 degrees Fahrenheit.
70 degrees Fahrenheit = 21.1 degrees Celsius
The cosine of 70 degrees is 0.34202014332567.
59ºF = 15ºC
(-70) degrees Fahrenheit = -56.6 degrees Celsius.