Markings do not guarantee metal content or fineness. Testing by qualified persons is the only sure way of knowing.
14K gallons refers to 14,000 gallons. It is a common unit of measurement for liquid volume, often used in contexts such as swimming pools, fuel tanks, and water storage.
ASH 14K likely indicates that the ring is made of 14 karat gold. ASH could be the designer's initials or a manufacturer's mark.
Italy IS a country. It's on the continent of Europe.
The diamond shape with the heart and the G are the logo of the company who made the piece. 14K means 14 karats. Karats are how gold is measured. the 14 means that the piece is 58.33% gold and 41.67% alloy.
Yes it is really 14K Gold. However, it is a lower percentage. Instead of being 585 for is the symbol for 14K it is marked 535.
585 Marking on Italian jewellery indicates it is 14K gold
I have a chain and its stamp pom 14k is it real
Italy is where the jewelry was made and 14k is the amount of carats of the gold which is the same as purity. The number likely was engraved and means something to the prior owner.
de cesare is the name of a designer and 14k is the quality of the gold in the bracelet.
MI means Made in Italy .. I've had a figaro styled 14K gold chain for over 15 years, and when I converted it into a bracelet, I was able to use 14K nitric acid to test a cut link. It most certainly was real gold, and it had the hallmarks "MI", "14KT", and "MADE ITALY" stamped into the clasps. You can have it tested with a Niton DXL XRF Analyzer, which is an x-ray style tester, at your local gemologist.
Italy is where the jewelry was made and 14k is the amount of carats of the gold which is the same as purity. The number likely was engraved and means something to the prior owner.
it may just say 585 which means it 58.5% gold. which is 14k so it works out.
For real
14K GB means 14K (G)old over (B)ase metal.14kItaly stamped on jewelry means its real or fake