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Inflation is considered to be undesirable because it arbitrarily redistributes wealth and real income. It also causes consumers to pay more for goods and services and causes the value of the dollar to go down.

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1mo ago

Inflation is undesirable because it erodes the purchasing power of money, reducing the value of savings and fixed incomes. It can also lead to uncertainty and instability in the economy, making it harder for businesses and individuals to plan for the future. Additionally, high inflation can distort price signals and hinder efficient resource allocation.

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Why is radon undesirable inside a house?

Because radon can be accumulated in buildings, in closed, non ventilated areas.

Are all changes desirable what can be undesirable changes why?

Not all changes are desirable, as some changes can bring about negative consequences such as increased costs, reduced quality, or decreased employee morale. Undesirable changes can stem from poor planning, ineffective communication, or resistance from stakeholders. It is important to carefully consider the potential impacts of a change before implementing it to minimize undesirable outcomes.

What are the example of undesirable bacteria?

Examples of undesirable bacteria include pathogenic strains such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Clostridium difficile, and Streptococcus pyogenes. These bacteria can cause various illnesses and infections in humans.

What types of people are most negatively affected by inflation and the depreciation of the dollar?

Low-income individuals are most negatively affected by inflation and the depreciation of the dollar as their purchasing power decreases, making it harder to afford basic necessities. Fixed-income earners, such as retirees, are also significantly impacted as their income does not increase in line with inflation. People with savings in cash or low-yield investments also suffer as the value of their money diminishes.

When is being submissive undesirable?

Being submissive can be undesirable when it leads to feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem, or exploitation. It is important to maintain one's own boundaries, self-respect, and autonomy in all relationships.

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Generally, low inflation is better for society because inflation has costs associated with the reallocation of assets and their value (that is, it costs money for people to change their decisions when inflation changes the value of their goods/services).

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Has the reserve bank of South Africa succeeded in keeping inflation within the range?

Yes, because the inflation rate is now low.

What is the conclusion of inflation?

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