The latitude of Vancouver, BC, is 49.16 N. This means that it sits much closer to the north pole than it does to the equator. This location gives it a somewhat mild climate that tends to be more cool than hot.
Vancouver, Canada
The latitude of Vancouver, Canada is 49.2827° N, and the longitude is 123.1207° W.
Latitude: 49°25′N Longitude: 123°1′W
Some cities that share the same latitude as Vancouver (around 49°N) include Bordeaux in France, Munich in Germany, Krakow in Poland, and Vladivostok in Russia.
Ohio is closer than Wyoming. But Wyoming would be closer in latitude.
The capital city that is at the same latitude as Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada is Dublin, the capital of Ireland. Both cities are located at approximately 53° North latitude. This means that they share a similar position in terms of their distance from the equator, despite being on different continents.
Vancouver, Canada
The latitude of Vancouver, Canada is 49.2827° N, and the longitude is 123.1207° W.
N49'11" / w123'19"
Latitude: 49°25′N Longitude: 123°1′W
Some cities that share the same latitude as Vancouver (around 49°N) include Bordeaux in France, Munich in Germany, Krakow in Poland, and Vladivostok in Russia.
What three cities on the U.S. map have about the same latitude?
Ohio is closer than Wyoming. But Wyoming would be closer in latitude.
latitude affect climat when the closer latitude to the north the colder the climate gets and when it gets closer to the equator the wrmer it gets.
The capital city that is located at about the same latitude as Vancouver, British Columbia, in Canada is Ottawa, Ontario. Both cities are situated around the 45th parallel north.
Regina is further north of Vancouver. Regina is the capital city of the province of Saskatchewan, located at approximately 50.45° N latitude. Vancouver, the capital city of British Columbia, is located at approximately 49.28° N latitude.
Latitude affects temperature because the angle at which sunlight hits the Earth varies with latitude. Places closer to the equator receive more direct sunlight, making them warmer, while places closer to the poles receive sunlight at a more oblique angle, leading to cooler temperatures.