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Liquid Core

Source: k12 Biology Unit 2 Quiz.... ;)

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Planet formations like Earth's atmosphere and protective ozone layer could not exist without a magnetic field. This would expose the planet's surface to harmful cosmic radiation and cause the atmosphere to be stripped away by the solar wind.

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Q: Imagine a planet with no mangetic field such a planet probably does not have a?
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Imagine a planet with no magnetic field. Such a planet probably does not have a .?

liquid core

Imagine a planet with no magnetic field Such a planet probably does not have a?

liquid core

If a planet with no magnetic field would probably does not have a?

Liquid core

Is mafic rocks in the mantle earths magntic field?

Mafic rocks in the mantle can contribute to Earth's magnetic field through the presence of minerals like magnetite that can become magnetized in aligning with the planet's magnetic field. However, the main driver of Earth's magnetic field is the movement of molten iron in the outer core.

Is Mars the strongest planet in the solar system?

The planet Mars does not have anywhere near the strongest gravitational field of any planet in the solar system (Jupiter has the strongest). I am not sure in what other way you may wish to measure the strength of a planet. In terms of military strength, Mars in uninhabitted and hence, not a military power. In terms of astrological influence, that is imaginary to begin with, so imagine what you like.

Does the magnetic field rotate your planet?


What can we learn from studying a planet's magnetic field?

The size and fluidity of the core of the planet.

Is there magnetism on every planet?

No. Mars has no magnetic field. Which is probably why it has no atmosphere either. The magnetosphere protects us from the solar radiation, which would otherwise knock our atmosphere off.

The core is probably solidified?

If the core of a planet has solidified, it likely means that it has cooled down significantly over time. The solidification of the core can result in a loss of internal heat and may lead to changes in the planet's magnetic field and geological activity.

What has its own magnetic field?

Planet Earth

What planet has the strongest magnetic field?


What does the gravitational field strength on a planet depend on?

The gravitational field strength on a planet depends on its mass and the distance from the planet's center. The greater the planet's mass, the stronger the gravitational field, and the closer you are to the planet's center, the stronger the gravitational field.