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You advance your calendar by one day at midnight, local time. This is when the date changes, regardless of whether you are moving or stationary on Earth's surface.

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Q: If you stay in the same place on earth as it turns when do you advance your calendar?
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The duration of A Cheerful Gang Turns the Earth is 1.53 hours.

When does day and night occur?

For you, day occurs when the earth turns you in a direction where the sun can shine directly on you. Night occurs when the earth turns you in a direction where the sun can't shine on you, because part of the earth is in the way.For someone else in a different place, day and night may happen at different times from your day and night.

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To advance, rotate the distributor counter-clockwise. To retard, roatate it clockwise).

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Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.

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The word is "revolve". "Rotate" is when something turns around its OWN axis.* Earth's movement around the Sun takes a full year. That's how the year is defined.*This was based on a previous version of the question.

What happens to the constellation as the earth turns?

it die