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You couldn't do that. From what I remember from science class Mars can't support life.


Life as we know it needs air and water and a source of energy. Life on Earth can live in near boiling heat, extreme cold, no oxygen conditions, and survive near vacuums. Assuming Martian life would be the same, we can make some assumptions.

  • For Mars, water appears to be below ground only becoming liquid in the martian summer. A critter would have to be able to burrow to get to the water or ice and have thick waterproof hide to prevent water loss.
  • For oxygen the life would have to inhabit the deepest valleys and holes ( maybe in the bowels of the extinct volcanoes or lava tubes. The blood they used would have to hold oxygen well and be associated with a larger lung system. An efficient metabolism that required little oxygen would be a big help.
  • For energy, the sun would be the usual choice. Some Martian plants might cover vast ares with dark energy absorbing leaves, and sink roots deep into the wet subsoil to survive. A dose of some antifreeze in its sap would help getting through the long cold winters. Deep sea life on Earth does without sunlight if it can get close to heat reactive sulfur compounds (like the "Black smoker" vents), Mars has volcanoes and this energy might be available.
  • Surface life would have to be heavy and low slung to avoid being blown about by the Martian winds and have a durable hide to live with the dust storms. It might burrow. The cold might require fur or antifreeze containing blood.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

A Mars alien could potentially have adaptations like thicker skin and respiratory systems suitable for Mars' atmosphere, which has lower oxygen levels. They might have appendages or structures that help them navigate the rough terrain, such as sturdy legs or gripping appendages. Their senses might also be specialized for detecting resources like water or minerals on Mars.

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Is mars made of poisonous gas?

No, Mars is made mostly of rock.

What is the planet Mars' composition?

Mars is made of a solid iron core.

What it mars atmosphere made of?

Mars Atmosphere is made of 95% Carbon Dioxide (co2) and 3% nitrogen (n2)

Is the planet mars made of gas?


Is mars mostly made of gas or mostly made of rock?

Mars is mostly made of rock. It has a thin atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide, but the majority of its mass is solid material, consisting of silicate rocks and metals.

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