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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 3w ago

One way to determine if the nucleic acids of the virus are RNA or DNA is to check for the presence of thymine in the nucleic acid sequence. Thymine is only found in DNA, so its presence would indicate that the virus has a DNA genome. Conversely, the presence of uracil instead of thymine would indicate an RNA genome.

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Q: If you have discovered a new virus and have isolated its nucleic acids What feature could you look for to determine if the nucleic acids of this virus are RNA or DNA?
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How nucleic was discovered?

Nucleic acids were discovered by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. He isolated a substance from the nuclei of cells that contained high amounts of phosphorus, which he called nuclein. Later, this substance was found to be composed of nucleic acids, which carry genetic information in cells.

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Friedrich Miescher is credited with the discovery of RNA in 1869. He isolated a new type of nucleic acid from the nuclei of cells, which he called "nuclein." It was later identified to be RNA.

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The discovery that nucleic acids contain purines and pyrimidines can be attributed to Albrecht Kossel, a German biochemist who conducted groundbreaking work on the composition of nucleic acids in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Kossel isolated and identified these nitrogenous bases as essential components of DNA and RNA, laying the foundation for our understanding of genetic material.

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DNA was first discovered in 1869 by Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher. He isolated a substance from white blood cells that contained both protein and nucleic acids, which we now know as DNA. This discovery laid the foundation for understanding the genetic material of living organisms.

What did Friedrich Miescher do to the fight against infection?

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The group of organic molecules that were first discovered in the nucleus of the cell are nucleic acids. These molecules, such as DNA and RNA, carry genetic information and play vital roles in cell function and heredity.

What year was nucleic acids discovered?

1869 I positive virtual school right I know got a 100 on that.

How coined the term nucleic acids?

The term "nucleic acids" was coined by the chemist Phoebus Levene in 1909. He used this term to describe the components found in the nuclei of cells that are responsible for carrying genetic information.

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B Prokaryote

Why nucleic acid is called nucleic acid?

Nucleic acids are named as such because they were first discovered in the cell nucleus. They play a vital role in storing and transmitting genetic information within a cell. The key building blocks of nucleic acids are nucleotides, which consist of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate group.