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no, not necessarily. the reason that the sound appears to be coming from way behind the jet is because light travels faster than sound. think of a firework show, the sound always comes after the flash depending on how far away you are. since the jet is far away, by the time the sound reaches you, the jet is already way out ahead of the sound. this might help.




) <---sound







| <----you

--------------------------/ \---------------------------------------------


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3w ago

Yes, if you hear the sound of a jet plane before you see it, it means the plane is traveling faster than the speed of sound. This phenomenon is known as a sonic boom and occurs when an object moves through the air faster than the speed of sound, creating a shockwave.

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Q: If the sound of a jet plane does not come from the part of the sky where the plane is seen does that mean the plane is traveling faster than the speed of sound?
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What was the flight faster then speed called?

There was not a special name for the first flight that went faster than the speed of sound. However, when a plane does go faster than sound, it said to be traveling at supersonic speeds.

How many times faster than the speed of sound can you travel?

The speed of sound is approximately 767 mph, so traveling at Mach 2 would be twice the speed of sound. Therefore, you would be traveling two times faster than the speed of sound.

What is the name of the plane that goes faster than the sound of speed?

The first such plane was the experimental Bell X-1.

What happens when Concorde plane flies faster than speed of sound?

its simple the sound barrier is broken :D

Is it possible for humans to travels faster than the speed of sound?

Yes they can do that. But they need a ultrasonic plane.

Related questions

What was the flight faster then speed called?

There was not a special name for the first flight that went faster than the speed of sound. However, when a plane does go faster than sound, it said to be traveling at supersonic speeds.

What happens when the plane goes faster the speed of sound?

You would hear the sound after the plane has passed.

What is the top speed of a concord plane?

The Concord's speed was 1,176. Faster than the speed of sound

Was Concorde the only commercial plane that could go faster than the speed of sound?

No, the Tupolev Tu-144 was the only other commercial plane to date to fly faster then the speed of sound.

What is the sound barrier?

The sound barrier is the point at which an object traveling through air reaches the speed of sound, where it meets increasing resistance, often resulting in a sonic boom. Breaking the sound barrier was a significant milestone in aviation history, showing the ability to fly faster than the speed of sound.

What was the name of the plane that flu faster thet the speed of sound?


Does sound go faster than an airplane?

Only if it's traveling at less than the speed of sound

How many times faster than the speed of sound can you travel?

The speed of sound is approximately 767 mph, so traveling at Mach 2 would be twice the speed of sound. Therefore, you would be traveling two times faster than the speed of sound.

What was the name of the plane that can fly faster than the speed of sound?

ultra sonic !!

What was the first plane to fly faster than the speed of sound was?

The X-15

Why you see the fighter plane first but hear the plane later?

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. This means that light waves, carrying visual information, will reach your eyes before sound waves reach your ears. This is why you see the fighter plane first before hearing it.

Does sound travels faster downwind than upwind?

Yes, sound does travel faster downwind than upwind due to the speed and direction of the wind affecting the transmission of sound waves. When sound waves propagate in the same direction as the wind flow (downwind), they can travel faster compared to when going against the wind (upwind).