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you cannot say if a cell is somatic or germ cell by seeing the number of chromosomes present in it. If a cell has one pair of each chromosome then it is reffered to as diploid. haploid is represented by 'n' whereas Diploid-2n Triploid-3n and so on. A somatic cell is the cell which is present in your body. A germ cell is the cell present in your Gonads(gonads are reproductive organs) such as testis and ovaries.they have the x and y chromosomes. so if a cell has 25 chromosomes, it might be a somatic or germ cell. it's ploidy can be haploid or diploid. this can be known only by obtaining a karyotype. a karyotype is the diagramatic representation of the chromosomes by detailed analysis. if this cell is diploid, it means that it is missing one of its chromosome. because diploid is 2n.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

A cell with 25 chromosomes is likely a somatic cell because it is not a common number for a diploid cell, which typically has 46 chromosomes in humans. Diploid cells have two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent, so they would usually have an even number of chromosomes.

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Q: If a cell has 25 chromosomes is it a somatic cell or a diploid cell?
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