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The scattering angles would have changed, but the qualitative results would also change: the reason Rutherford chose gold was because it is EXTREMELY malleable. One can stretch gold foil until it is only a few atoms thick in places, which is not possible with aluminum. If the foil were too thick, there would be no transmission of particles at all; the whole point was to demonstrate that most alpha particles passed through unchanged, but some of them scattered, which is only possible with a VERY thin foil.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

If Rutherford had bombarded aluminum foil with alpha particles instead of gold foil, he would have observed that most of the alpha particles would pass through the foil with minimal deflection since aluminum is a lighter element compared to gold. Some of the alpha particles may undergo slight scattering or deflection due to interactions with the atomic nuclei in the aluminum foil, but there would be no significant backscattering as seen in the gold foil experiment.

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12y ago

What Rutherford would have done was figure out the particles in the aluminum foil then take the alpha particles and mix them together. I think he would observe the protons, neutrons and electrons and observe the difference between the aluminum foil and gold foils movement of the particles.

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11y ago

The angles formed in this experiment will have different angles than using gold foil as the atomic number is less in aluminium than the gold.As aluminium foil is more thick than of gold most of the rays wont completely pass through the foil.

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9y ago

Alpha particles were rejected or scattered by the atom; Rutherford and co-workers assumed that something positive in atom reject alpha particles and concluded that the atom has a positive nucleus.

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11y ago

It would have been just different

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Q: If Rutherford made bombarded aluminum foil with alpha particles instead of gold foil what observations would he have used?
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