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Hemlock juice is made by extracting the juice from the hemlock root. It can be easily mistaken for parsnips and anise plants and has killed many people and animals.

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9mo ago

To make poisonous hemlock juice, the plant's leaves and stems are typically crushed or mashed to release the toxic compounds contained within, such as coniine and gamma-coniceine. The extracted liquid is then ingested or applied to achieve its toxic effects, which can include respiratory failure and paralysis. It is important to note that hemlock juice is extremely dangerous and should never be prepared or consumed.

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Related questions

What is hemlock juice?

It is a poisonous drink. Socrates was forced to kill him self by drinking it.

How do you make poisonous hemlock juice?

It's not really a juice, it's more of a tea or infusion. You make it by steeping hemlock in a solvent. I'm not providing more details because the above should be sufficient if you're writing a mystery or something, and frankly there's no good reason for you to actually make it.

What kind of hemlock is poison?

There are many types of hemlock. Conium consists of two species, both of which are toxic. Water Hemlock and Hemlock Water Dropwort are both also poisonous. However, Hemlock (Tsuga) is the genus name of a type of coniferous trees, which are not toxic.

What was the poison Socrates drank?

Socrates drank a concoction containing hemlock, which is a poisonous plant. Hemlock causes respiratory paralysis and ultimately death.

Is hemlock bad for horses?

Yes , it is poisonous too them its just like ragwort

Is guava juice poisonous?

No, guava juice is not poisonous but it also relates to prune juice because it tastes really bad.

Which kind of poison did Socrates drink that killed him?

Socrates drank hemlock, a highly poisonous plant that caused respiratory failure and ultimately led to his death.

Is water hemlock poisonous?

Yes, it is one of the most toxic plants in the United States.

What are the 10 most poisonous plants in Idaho?

The two most poisonous plants in Idaho are Water Hemlock(Cicuta douglasii), and Poisonous Hemlock (Conium maculatum). These are the two most poisonous plants in North America, and they are fairly common in Idaho. Poisonus Hemlock can be found around farmlands and brushlands. Water hemlock in damp areas and in low water swampy areas. After these two, it would probably be opinion which are next, as there ares several, but my candidates for the next eight would be: monks hood, death camas, baneberry, climbing nightshade, Larkspur, Western Poison Ivy, Spurge, and choke cherry.

Why do you want to avoid the western water hemlock?

You want to stay away from it because it is very poisonous.

Is hemlock a poison?

Yes, hemlock is a highly poisonous plant. All parts of the plant contain toxic alkaloids that can be fatal if ingested.

What colour is hemlock juice?

Hemlock juice can vary in color depending on factors such as the part of the plant used and the stage of growth. It may range from clear to pale yellow or greenish-yellow. However, hemlock is a highly toxic plant, so it is important to avoid handling or consuming any part of it.