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Red blood cells are basically contain haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a conjugate molecule of iron and protein it serves as a transporter of oxygen in the body. As haemoglobin is made up of iron the best way to increase haemoglobin levels or RBC levels is to increase the level of iron in the blood. The best source of iron is meat because meat is got easily absorbable iron. While taking in iron one must remember that certain foods like spinach , dairy products, tea , coffee can have an inhibiting role on absorption of iron.Iron is best absorbed in the prescence of vitamin c which is found in abundunce in citrus fruits like Oranges and lemons.Hence if one wants to increase his/her level of blood a diet of meat with fresh lemonade or Orange Juice would be a good idea.

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15y ago
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11y ago

Hemoglobin can be produced naturally, however many athletes choose to purchase extra hemoglobin in order to improve their performance. It's available in powder form in small sachets from most high street chemists.

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11y ago

In many cases you can raise it by eating more iron.

Also smoking or staying at high altitudes (or Scuba diving) raises your hemoglobin as the body tries to compensate for decreased oxygen intake. However this might not be a healthy way to raise it as the risks might be greater than the benefits.

In hospital this can be done by a blood transfusion.

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12y ago

hy.if you wanna increase your hb level then drink milk.3 glasses in day must.

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9y ago

Eating more Vitamin C rich foods and including iron in the diet can increase hemoglobin levels in the body.

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Haemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. An example sentence would be: "Haemoglobin is essential for delivering oxygen to tissues throughout the body."

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yr haemoglobin level will b low

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actually it's not recycled but the haemoglobin will die after 120 days. haemoglobin are produced from bone marrow

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no. you would have to intake water to increase the water level in your body.

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haemoglobin is red because is carrys oxygen around our body when blood is in contact with oxygen it turns red same

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Yes, it does slightly.

What mineral is needed to make haemoglobin?

Iron is needed to make haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Without enough iron, the body cannot produce adequate haemoglobin, leading to a condition called iron-deficiency anemia.

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The haemoglobin in the blood, transports oxygen around the body.

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