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Harim (Mountains) Nemesim (Melt) Kmo (Like) She'ava (Wax)

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9mo ago

The Hebrew phrase for "mountains melt like wax" is הָרִים נָמַסוּ כמו נְר.

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Q: How to Say Mountains Melt Like Wax in Hebrew?
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How do you say Pluto in Hebrew?

Pluto is Pluto in Hebrew פלוטו

What is a temperature of a volcano?

let's just say if you ever go near a volcano it feels like someone is burning your eyes out and then you just melt>

How much energy is needed to melt 254 grams of l2?

This is a trick question because "I2" is the chemical symbol for MOLECULAR iodine (your question did not say melt Iodine, it said melt I2).Only gaseous iodine is composed of I2 molecules and as it is a gas it CAN NOT melt.

When will the icebergs melt completely?

Certainly when the sun turns into a red giant. Prior to that no one can say with certainty.

How many mountains and volcanos under the sea?

there are hundreds of mountains and volcanos under the sea but there are so many that we do not know about so it is hard to say exactly how many

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How do you say Steve in Hebrew?

It sounds exactly the same as it does in English You can also write it in Hebrew letters and it will look like: סטיב

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How do you say 'so sorry' in Hebrew?

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