Well, it does matter exactly what weight of paper you are using as well as whether or not it is coated...
But, unless you are ready and waiting with a micrometer and need an answer down to the millimeter, you can figure on a ream of paper (500 sheets) being about 2" thick.
Ten reams of paper, at 8.5 centimetres tall each, would measure 8.5 x 10 = 85 centimetres.Each sheet of paper within a ream would measure 8.5 / 500 = 0.017 centimetres, or 1.7 millimetres.
There are typically 500 sheets of paper in a ream.
A ream is a standard unit of paper quantity, typically consisting of 500 sheets. It is commonly used in the printing and paper industry to measure paper amount.
500 sheets of paper is the International Standard for a ream of paper.
A ream of paper is a quantity of the same size and quality, 1 ream is 20 quires or 500 sheets
A Ream is a measure of the NUMBER of sheets of paper (500 sheets) How thick that would be will depend on the weight of the paper. Heavier paper is thicker.
A ream of A4 paper, 80gsm, typically contains 500 sheets and has a thickness of around 5 centimeters (2 inches).
Ream of paper not rim of paper in one ream There are 500 sheets of paper
Ten reams of paper, at 8.5 centimetres tall each, would measure 8.5 x 10 = 85 centimetres.Each sheet of paper within a ream would measure 8.5 / 500 = 0.017 centimetres, or 1.7 millimetres.
There are typically 500 sheets of paper in a ream.
A ream is a standard unit of paper quantity, typically consisting of 500 sheets. It is commonly used in the printing and paper industry to measure paper amount.
500 sheets of paper is the International Standard for a ream of paper.
The collective noun 'ream' is used for a ream of paper or a ream of bureaucrats.
A ream of paper is a quantity of the same size and quality, 1 ream is 20 quires or 500 sheets
A twentieth of a ream is equal to 25 sheets of paper. A standard ream typically contains 500 sheets.
A box of paper is typically referred to as a ream. A ream usually contains 500 sheets of paper.
A ream is a fixed unit of measure, currently set at 500 sheets of paper. At one time it was 480. A printer's ream is 516 sheets.