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In terms of joules, the answer is 216,000 joules.

First, you must convert 1 hour to seconds.

1 hr = 60 mins

60 mins = 3,600 seconds

The formula for finding power can also be used to find work if power and time are provided.

Power = Work/Time

60 watts =work/3,600 seconds

To find this, multiply 3,600 by 60

3,600 X 60 = 216,000

The unit for work is joules, so the answer is 216,000 joules.use the power formula

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1mo ago

The work done by a 60-watt light bulb in 1 hour can be calculated using the formula: Work = Power x Time. Substituting the values, we get Work = 60 watts x 1 hour = 60 watt-hours. This means 60 watt-hours of energy is used by the light bulb in 1 hour.

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Q: How much work is done using a 60-watt light bulb for 1 hour?
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How might life be if Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb?

If Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb, life would be significantly different as electric lighting revolutionized society. We would still heavily rely on gas lamps and candles, limiting productivity and potentially impeding technological advancements. The pace of urban development and industrialization would likely have been slower without widespread access to electric lighting.

Can you wire your 220v pendent light into a 110v system and just change the bulb to a 110v bulb?

No, you can't wire a 220v pendant light into a 110v system as it may pose a safety hazard due to the difference in voltage. Changing the bulb to a 110v bulb won't solve the issue, as the internal components of the light fixture are designed for a specific voltage. It's best to use the light fixture with the appropriate voltage it was designed for, or consult a professional electrician for assistance.

Can you get electrocuted for a 7.5 watt bulb?

It is highly unlikely to get electrocuted by a 7.5 watt bulb. However, if there are faulty electrical connections or wiring in the light fixture, there may be a risk of electric shock. It is always best to ensure that electrical installations are done correctly by a professional to prevent any accidents.

What was the importance of the first light bulb?

The invention of the first light bulb by Thomas Edison in the late 19th century revolutionized the way people lived and worked by providing a reliable and convenient source of artificial light. It allowed for increased productivity, safety, and extended the hours of work and leisure. The light bulb also laid the foundation for the development of modern electrical systems.

Does a 150 watt bulb do 150 joules of work?

No, a 150 watt bulb consumes 150 watts of power, which is equivalent to 150 joules per second. The work done by the bulb depends on the time it operates for.

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How do you do the light bulb on Habbo?

The light bulb is done by holding alt on your keyboard and pressing the numbers 276.

What should be done to light a bulb?

To light a bulb, you need to connect it to a power source such as a battery or electricity supply. The electricity will flow through the bulb's filament, creating light energy and causing the bulb to illuminate. Make sure the connections are secure and the bulb is functioning properly.

How much work is done using a Watt light bulb for 1 hour?

The energy used (work done, same thing) is 120 watt-hours, which is also 0.12 units or 120x3600 joules.

What was done before the light bulb was invented?

Oil lamps where used. Candles were also used.

How do you remove a brake light bulb on a F-150?

There are some squares in the back when you drop the tailgate then pull out when it comes out twist the bulb housing and it should come out pull the bulb out and you are done.

The work done to move one electron in a light bulb is very small?

The work done to move one electron in a light bulb is small because electrons are lightweight particles with a small charge. The work done is a result of the electric field in the circuit, which provides the energy for the movement of electrons to create light.

How would you make a bulb fainter?

You can make a bulb fainter by reducing the voltage supplied to it. This can be done by using a dimmer switch or by using a resistor in the circuit to decrease the voltage. Be cautious when altering electrical components to prevent damage to the bulb or circuit.

How many lemons does it take to make a light bulb light?

it takes 3,003,494,560,327,650,836,140,520,347,257,345,803,465,876,324,065,086,237,248 and it still might not get done

How many drummers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

three. one to screw in the bulb and two to talk about how much better neil peart could have done it.

How many cats are in a light bulb?

NONE!!!! to mum! this WAS done by daisy amber *insert last name*

How might life be if Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb?

If Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb, life would be significantly different as electric lighting revolutionized society. We would still heavily rely on gas lamps and candles, limiting productivity and potentially impeding technological advancements. The pace of urban development and industrialization would likely have been slower without widespread access to electric lighting.

How do you replace the front headlight bulb on a Mitsubishi galant es?

This question did not specify a year, as for the 2000 Galant ES it's fairly simple. You will need a flat head screw driver to remove the light bulb connector from the light bulb. The light bulb is held to the connector with a locking tab, you will need to use the screw driver to free the bulb from the locking tab on connector. Once free you can just pull the light bulb from the rubber housing. Replace with new bulb making sure you do not touch light bulb glass with hands (the grease of your hands sometimes shortens the lifespan of the bulb) snap in connector and you're done.