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To monitor the melting glaciers, ice sheets, and permafrost. - APEX

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Naomi Lee

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To study the effects of temperature on plant growth- APEX

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Q: How might scientists use a land surface temperature map such as this one?
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The map here shows land surface temperatures on Earth during one month in 2015. How might scientists use a land surface temperature map such as this one?

D. To study the effects of temperature on plant growth. (APEX)

Do people want to go on Jupiter?

Currently, it is not feasible for humans to visit Jupiter as it is a gas giant with extreme conditions that make it uninhabitable for humans. There are no plans or technology available for human exploration of Jupiter at the moment.

How do the wind and ocean distribute heat on earths surface?

when the winds eventually blow over the land, they moderate the temperature of the air over the land.

Why does the water temperature change less than the land temperature?

Water has a higher specific heat capacity compared to land, meaning it can absorb and store more heat energy for a given temperature change. This leads to slower temperature changes in water compared to land, as more energy is needed to raise or lower the temperature of water. Additionally, water bodies have a mixing effect that helps distribute heat more evenly, further stabilizing the temperature.

Would there be winds if earths surface was the same temperature everywhere?

No, there would not be winds if the earth's surface was the same temperature everywhere. The reason why is because during the day the land heats up faster than the water.

How much percent of Jupiter is land?

We have no information at all concerning surface features on Jupiter, including whether or not it has anything that me might cause a "surface".

Why can't you land on Jupiter and Saturn?

Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium with no solid surface to land on. Their atmospheres are extremely thick and turbulent, which would make it impossible for any spacecraft to land safely. Additionally, the high pressure and temperature closer to their cores would destroy any probe before it could reach a solid surface (if one even exists).

What percentage of the earths land surface is forest?

Approximately 31% of the Earth's land surface is covered by forests. This includes both tropical and temperate forests.

What are the two major things scientist use to help them collect these data and to photograph Earth's surface?

Scientists use satellite imagery and aerial photography to collect data and photograph Earth's surface. These tools provide detailed and comprehensive views of the planet, enabling scientists to study various features such as land cover, land use, and changes over time.

What is the adjective form of surface?

The adjective form of "surface" is also surface. We generally use it to describe something that is meant to be carried out via land or sea and NOT via air. We might say "surface mail" or "surface transportation."

Why might a higher proportion of water to land influence the temperature variations?

The high specific heat of water.

What covers most of the earth surface and what percentage is it?

Water covers approximately 71% of the Earth's surface.