

Best Answer

There are several hundred words that can be made from the letters in 'Periodic Table'; some of them are:

  1. a
  2. able
  3. act
  4. actor
  5. aid
  6. aide
  7. ape
  8. arid
  9. art
  10. article
  11. bacon
  12. bad
  13. bade
  14. bail
  15. bleed
  16. board
  17. braid
  18. bread
  19. breed
  20. broad
  21. cable
  22. card
  23. cart
  24. cedar
  25. cede
  26. code
  27. coil
  28. cord
  29. crate
  30. create
  31. deal
  32. dear
  33. deep
  34. deport
  35. dial
  36. diaper
  37. dice
  38. die
  39. dip
  40. dire
  41. eat
  42. eel
  43. eider
  44. elate
  45. elder
  46. elect
  47. elite
  48. epic
  49. erect
  50. erode
  51. ice
  52. id
  53. idea
  54. ideal
  55. idle
  56. idol
  57. irate
  58. ire
  59. it
  60. italic
  61. labor
  62. lace
  63. leader
  64. leap
  65. liberate
  66. lid
  67. lip
  68. load
  69. lode
  70. lord
  71. oar
  72. oat
  73. ode
  74. oil
  75. Opera
  76. optical
  77. orca
  78. or
  79. ordeal
  80. ore
  81. pare
  82. part
  83. pear
  84. peril*
  85. pie
  86. pilot
  87. pirate
  88. pore
  89. port
  90. predict
  91. pride
  92. raid
  93. rat
  94. rate
  95. real
  96. reap
  97. reel
  98. repeat
  99. ripe
  100. road
  101. rope
  102. tap
  103. tape
  104. tea
  105. teal
  106. tear
  107. tee
  108. tide
  109. tile
  110. tip
  111. tirade
  112. tire
  113. trade
  114. trail
  115. trap
  116. tread
  117. tree
  118. trial
  119. trip
  120. tripe
  121. tropical

(* means edit)

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11y ago
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4mo ago

There are countless words that can be made from the periodic table as it contains over 100 different elements with various combinations of letters. It would be impossible to list them all individually.

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13y ago
  • cobalt and tungsten = CoW
  • Plutonium, Rhenium = PuRe
  • Bromine, Oxygen, Thorium, Erbium = BrOThEr
  • Polonium, Lithium, Cerium = PoLiCe
  • Actinium, Einsteinium = AcEs
  • Calcium, Iron = CaFe
  • Rhodium, Oxygen, Neon = RhONe
  • Tantalum, Sulfur, Tellurium = TaSTe
  • Lutetium, Rhenium = LuRe
  • Cobalt, Rhenium = CoRe
  • Copper, Phosphorus = CuP
  • Carbon, Rhenium, Tungsten = CReW
  • Phosphorus, Yttrium, Rhenium = PYRe
  • Bismuth, Sulfur, Oxygen, Nitrogen = BiSON
  • Americium, Erbium, Iodine, Calcium = AmErICa
  • Selenium, Astatine; SeAt. Radium, Cerium = RaCe
  • (Rhenium), Neon, Tungsten = (Re)NeW
  • (Rhenium), Vanadium, Erbium, Selenium = (Re)VErSe
  • Hydrogen, Argon, Dysprosium = HArDy
  • Iodine, Cerium = ICe
  • Cobalt, Nitrogen; Con
  • Sulfur, Molybdenum, Tellurium = SMoTe
  • Protactinium, Thorium = PaTh
  • Sulfur, Iodine, Rhenium = SIRe
  • Scandium, Aluminum, Einsteinium = ScAlEs
  • Actinium, Rhenium = AcRe
  • Iron, Carbon, Aluminum = FeCAl
  • Tungsten, Silver, Erbium = WAgErSulphur, Tantalum, Germanium, Cobalt, Actinium, Hydrogen, Einsteinium: STaGeCoAcHEs
  • Tungsten, Astatine, Erbium = WAtEr
  • N+O=No
  • Ti+n = Tin
  • Ho+B+O = Hobo
  • Cu+Be = Cube
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7 periods and 18 groups are there on the modern periodic table.