How many appliances are there, what kind, etc?
My house has a 125 amp main breaker, that would put the maximum that I could draw at 30000 watts (240 VAC). It will never happen though simply because I have fluorescent bulbs, gas water heater, dryer, range.
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The power usage of light-bulbs is typically between about 20-100 watts, depending on the technology used, and the brightness.
The power usage of light-bulbs is typically between about 20-100 watts, depending on the technology used, and the brightness.
The power usage of light-bulbs is typically between about 20-100 watts, depending on the technology used, and the brightness.
The power usage of light-bulbs is typically between about 20-100 watts, depending on the technology used, and the brightness.
"Producing" electricity is just converting energy from some other form into
electrical energy
To produce some amount of electrical power, it takes exactly the same amount
of power from some other source, plus some more to make up for the losses
in the process of converting it.
If you want to generate 100 watts of electrical power, then you have to burn
enough coal, oil, wood, or old rags to produce heat at the rate of 100 to 150
watts, then use the heat to boil water, then run the steam through the vanes
of the turbine that turns the generator.
The average American home uses about 900 kWh per month, which translates to 30 kWh per day. To power a house for 24 hours, you would need an average of around 1.25 kW (1250 watts) of power.
One Unit of electrical energy is the result of 1000 watts for one hour, or 100 watts for 10 hours. Multiply the kilowatts by the hours to get the kWh or units.
The amount of electrical energy is measured in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours, otherwise known as units, and the average European would use 5000-6000 units per year.
The power usage of light-bulbs is typically between about 20-100 watts, depending on the technology used, and the brightness.
To calculate the power in watts, you would need to know the current the strobe light draws at 24 volts from its specifications. You can then use the formula P (Watts) = V (Voltage) x I (Current) to determine the power consumption. Without the current rating, it's not possible to provide an exact wattage.
Watts are not deadly but it would take 12 micro-watts through the heart to kill someone.
A small shredder 100-200 watts.
To lift 2204.622 lb (1000 kg) with an acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2, you would need 9810 W of power.
The question is not relevant. 240 volts refers to the "potential", and amps refers to the current. Potential * current = watts, or energy. You can have 240 volts at 1 amp, which will result in 240 watts, or you can have 240 amps at 1 volt which would also result in 240 watts.