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8mo ago

Shocking gum typically delivers a small electric shock of around 3 to 4 volts. This is enough to surprise someone but not enough to cause harm.

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Related questions

Where can you find the shocking gum on Poptropica?

If there is such an effect, it will be sold in the Poptropica Store.

Is gum tube a insulator or conductor?

Gum rubber is typically considered an insulator because it is a poor conductor of electricity. It does not allow electricity to pass through it easily.

Can a gum wrapper conduct electricity?

Yes, a gum wrapper can conduct electricity. This is because most gum wrappers are made of metal or metal-coated paper that can allow electric current to flow through them. However, the level of conductivity may vary depending on the specific material of the wrapper.

Is gum conductive?

No, gum is not conductive. It does not contain any metals or materials that can conduct electricity. However, chewing gum may become conductive if it picks up metal particles or other conductive material from its environment.

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What material can electricity not pass through?

Electricity cannot pass through an insulating material, such as rubber, plastic, or glass. These materials do not allow the flow of electric current due to their high resistance to the movement of electrons.

How many calories does a stick of gum have?

it depends all gum is different.

How many flavors of gum is there?

There are alleged to be 188 different flavors of gum.

How many schools allow gum to be chewed?

no school allow gum

How many pages does The Gum Thief have?

The Gum Thief has 288 pages.

How many days does a peace of gum last?

Well if you get the gum to trust you and become your friend, I'd say that peace between you and your gum can last for many years.

How many kids agree to chew gum in school?

Nearly all that have or are offered gum.