According to this Web site ( ), 4 tsp of salt (1 1/3 tbsp) weighs 24 grams. Therefore, a little over 5.5 tbsp or 16.5 tsp is 100g of salt. Because the size of grains of salt can vary, and result in more volume for less matter, it's really best to weigh salt when a weight is specified.
There are 960 drops in 8 tsp so 120 in 1 tsp. Hope this helped.
1 teaspoon is about 5 grams so 15 grams is about 3 tsp A gram is an EXACT weight while a teaspoon is a visual one which depends on the DENSITY of the item being used. I have table salt that says "fine salt" which states 1/4tsp serving size at 1.7g, making it 6.8g per tsp while I have another Mediterranean sea salt that says 1g per 1/4tsp, making it 4g per tsp, and the Himalayan salt I have says 0.6g per 1/4tsp, making it 2.4g per tsp. The package the salt came in should give you the serving size as 1/4tsp and then also have the weight in grams. Just multiply it by 4. If the recipe calls for 15g of Himalayan salt, you would need about 6 tsp of it but if you tried putting 6tsp of "fine salt", you would end up with 40.8 grams of salt in your recipe. It's like saying use 2 hands full of vegetables. Some may have hands that would barely hold 3-4 cups while others wouls be able to hold 10 cups. It is always bettwr to get a small scale if you are worried about using the exact amount, or easier, just look at the serving size on the package which almost always gives you the equivalent of 1/4tsp in grams, and then multiply it by 4.
There are 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon.
1 US teaspoon = 4.92892159 ml 13 tsp = 13 x 4.92892159 ml = 64.076
That is approximately 122.285 teaspoons of salt.
3 tsp= 1 TBLS
approximately 1 1/2 tsp
A tsp is about 5 gm. So about 5.5 tsp in 1 oz of salt.
The answer depends on the density of the substance. 10 milligrams of whipped egg white will be several tsp whereas 10 mg of salt will be approx 2 tsp.
15000 mg
144 tsp 1 cup = 48 teaspoons 1 teaspoon = 0.02 cup
202.7 tsp(US) , 211.49 tsp (BI)
84 tsp 1 oz = 6 tsp 1 tsp = 0.16 oz
10g + 15g + 5g = 30g
For each cup of flour add 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder and 1/2 tsp salt.