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Q: How many sea have compass direction in their names?
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Which seas have compass directions in there names?

The seven seas with compass directions in their names are the North Sea, South China Sea, East China Sea, South Sea (Southern Ocean), Black Sea, Red Sea, and White Sea.

What compass direction is the Tasman sea?

West of New Zealand

How many seas that have compass directions in their names?

Southern Sea,North Sea,East China Sea,South China

Why the compass is important?

The compass has been an important part of navigation, especially for ships at sea. The are important because they allow ships to steer in the direction they choose to follow the compass


Answer: If you have a map and you can read your coordinate from the sun and the stars the compass will tell you were north is then you will know in what direction to go to get to land.

What is used by sailor to known the direction?

Sailors use a compass to determine direction at sea. They rely on the compass needle to point towards the magnetic north, helping them navigate and stay on course.

Why did they invent the compass?

The original purpose of the magnetic compass was to help sailors to know which direction they should point their ships while they were sailing beyond the sight of land. On the open sea, you need some way of figuring out where you are and in which direction your destination lies, since the sea is relatively featureless and looks pretty much the same everywhere.

Why did they invent compass?

The original purpose of the magnetic compass was to help sailors to know which direction they should point their ships while they were sailing beyond the sight of land. On the open sea, you need some way of figuring out where you are and in which direction your destination lies, since the sea is relatively featureless and looks pretty much the same everywhere.

How could a compass help you if you where in a boat on the ocean?

A compass could help you navigate by indicating the direction of north, enabling you to maintain your course and stay on track to reach your destination. This is especially important when out at sea where landmarks may not be visible.

How did the European explorers use the compass?

European explorers used the compass as a navigational tool to determine their direction when traveling by sea. By utilizing the magnetic properties of the Earth, the compass helped sailors maintain their course and avoid getting lost during long voyages.

What problem did the magnetic compass solve?

The magnetic compass solved the problem of navigation, allowing sailors and travelers to determine their direction accurately, even when landmarks or the sun were not visible. This invention revolutionized long-distance travel and exploration by providing a reliable method for determining direction at sea or in unfamiliar territories.

How do you use a compass for navigation on land and sea?

To use a compass for navigation on land, hold it level and steady to determine your direction by aligning the needle with the north marker. On the sea, account for any deviation caused by the metal on the boat, and also consider the variation between true north and magnetic north. Use the compass in conjunction with charts and landmarks to determine your position and course.