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The exact number is not known. But it does seem that most stars have at least one planet, and probably several planets, at least on average. Not even the number of stars in the immediate neighborhood can be known for sure, since red dwarves are quite hard to detect.

Here is an estimate. The Wikipedia article on "List of nearest stars" lists 56 hydrogen-fusing stars at a distance up to 5 parsec, or 16.3 light-years. Assuming the density of stars is more or less constant at distance up to 100 light-years, that would mean that for a volume 231 times larger (up to 100 light-years), there would be about 12,930 stars. Assuming that each of them has 1-10 planets on average, and doing some rounding, that would mean there are between 13,000 and 130,000 planets at that distance. Please note that despite the fairly large range, there is still a lot of guesswork involved.

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Q: How many planets are within 100 light years of earth?
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How many planets Earth signal reaches?

All of them in our solar system, plus all others within a distance of about 100 to 120 light years from us.

What is the difference between exoplanets and other planets?

Exoplanets are planets that orbit a star outside of our solar system, while other planets refer to those within our solar system, such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Exoplanets are located in other star systems, light-years away from Earth, and have different characteristics compared to the planets within our solar system.

What planet is 1000 light years away?

Because planets are rather small on astronomical scales - or at least, when compared to stars, and not luminous like stars, it is very hard to see them at great distances. NASA's Kepler spacecraft, which was launched to detect planets within habitable zones of stars, detected in 2011 a couple planets orbiting a star roughly 1000 light years distance. The planets, designated Kepler 20e and 20f, are part of an unusual solar system, and are roughly Earth-sized and 'rocky' but orbiting their host star within the distance of Mercury to our Sun, which would make them too hot for life.

Are all stars the same distance from the earth?

No two planets within our solar system have the same exact size. However, Earth and Venus are quite close - their diameters differ by only 652km.

How far is planet Kepler from planet earth?

The distance between Earth and Kepler-442b (an exoplanet in the Kepler-442 star system) is approximately 1,120 light-years. It is important to note that the distance can vary as planets orbit stars and stars move within the galaxy.

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When should you use light years?

Light years are used to measure distance from Earth to distant stars and planets.

How many planets Earth signal reaches?

All of them in our solar system, plus all others within a distance of about 100 to 120 light years from us.

What is the difference between exoplanets and other planets?

Exoplanets are planets that orbit a star outside of our solar system, while other planets refer to those within our solar system, such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Exoplanets are located in other star systems, light-years away from Earth, and have different characteristics compared to the planets within our solar system.

What planet is 1000 light years away?

Because planets are rather small on astronomical scales - or at least, when compared to stars, and not luminous like stars, it is very hard to see them at great distances. NASA's Kepler spacecraft, which was launched to detect planets within habitable zones of stars, detected in 2011 a couple planets orbiting a star roughly 1000 light years distance. The planets, designated Kepler 20e and 20f, are part of an unusual solar system, and are roughly Earth-sized and 'rocky' but orbiting their host star within the distance of Mercury to our Sun, which would make them too hot for life.

Are Kepler and earth in the same galaxy?

Yes. Anything within 25,000 light years is within our Galaxy.

Is there any planets just like earth?

that remains to be seen. although the chances are slim, there might be an earth-like planet millions of light-years away!

Are all stars the same distance from the earth?

No two planets within our solar system have the same exact size. However, Earth and Venus are quite close - their diameters differ by only 652km.

How many light years to the Saturn?

The distance from the Earth to Saturn varies - depending on whether both planets are on the same or opposite sides of the sun. At their nearest the distance is approx 0.000127 light years.

How many years does starlight travel?

It depends on the distance of the star to Earth. The distance to the star in light years is the number of years the light took to get here. Most of the stars we see at night are within a few hundred light years of Earth. The closest star other than the sun is about 4.2 light years away.

Do All stars in a constellation have to be within a light year?

No. No star other than the sun is within a light year of Earth. Most of the stars in constellations are dozens to hundreds of light years away.

Did the NASA ever sent a robot out space to find another sun and earth billions of lightyears away?

No. We cannot detect stars and planets at such distances. The Kepler telescope searches for planets in a region of space that is generally within an few hundred light years of us. The telescope itself orbits the sun and remains much closer to us than a light year.

How long are the planets years?

Uranuses year is 84.3 Earth years