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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

As of now, there is no evidence to suggest that any form of life, including humans, exists on Mars. It is currently uninhabited by people.

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βˆ™ 11y ago


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Q: How many people live in planet mars?
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Why people cant live on planet mars?

we will be soon

Why can people live on earth but not on Mars?

Mars is not a sustainable planet. Recent studies, however, suggest that there is water on the planet.

How does the planet mars different with earth?

It doesn't have air for people to live on that planet

What is the the red planet?

The Red Planet is Mars it is all red and soon in 2025 they are sending people up there to live there and the suprising thing is they won't come back. Anyway the Red Planet(Mars) is next to Mercury.

Could humans ever live on planet mars?

yes, because no water and food in planet mars

What do the Mars people eat when they are on the planet Mars?

There are no people on Mars, and no astronauts have visited Mars. The Moon, yes, Mars, no.

Is Mars best planet to live?

scientist have said there is a possibility to live on mars but its not yet proven Mars cannot support human life, the only planet that we are aware of that can is the earth, therefore earth is the best planet to live on. Mars is WAY to cold to live in, Earth is the best place because it is not to far, or to close to the sun. Mars also does not have the gases that are needed for us to live.

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Which animal can live on planet mars?

not dogs

What animals are on the planet Mars?

No animals currently exist on planet Mars as we know of considering how the conditions there are to harsh to live.

How many rings of planet Mars?

rings surrounding planet mars? NONE.

Will people ever live on another planet as you do on earth?

Who knows? Maybe someday we will be living on Mars!it is said to be that in the future that people might be able tobuild a city on the moon or mars