According to the US Geological Survey for the years from 2000 to 2010 there have been an average of 63,000 deaths per year due to earthquakes globally. This is based on the estimated number of earthquake deaths annually.
The annual estimated figures can vary significantly from year to year depending on the occurrence and location of large earthquakes. For example in 2000 there were only 231 estimated earthquake deaths globally, whereas in 2004 there were 228,802 (which most likely corresponds to the 2004 Indian ocean earthquake) and in 2010 there have been an estimated 226,215 (due in part to the very large number of deaths in the January 2010 Haitian earthquake).
Please see the related links for the source of this data and for further information on some of the large earthquakes mentioned.
The average number of earthquake-related deaths per year varies greatly, but it is estimated to be around 10,000 globally. It depends on the magnitude and location of the earthquakes, as well as the level of preparedness in the affected areas.
uncountable in india
The number of deaths from California earthquakes varies by event. Major earthquakes like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake resulted in thousands of deaths, while more recent earthquakes have caused fewer casualties due to improved building codes and early warning systems.
Excellent question! However, not enough information is available to provide a specific number of deaths from all earthquakes that occured everywhere in the world since the beginning of time. I did some lengthy research on this and I could only find statistics on a 'per earthquake' basis. It has data from the year 1900 forward. For earthquakes with at least 1,000 fatalities, check out: For earthquakes with over 50,000 fatalities, check out: The U.S. Geological Survey website has a wealth of information! I highly encourage you to check it out at:,000
About 123 people in all.1999= 12 2003= 23 2006= 66 2008= 3 2009= 0 (so far)
more than 1,000,000
About 250 people die of avalanches each year.
There are a great many wonderful people that die of cancer in a year. This number is in the thousands.
about 25,000 people die from gangrene a year
1,000,000 die each year
3 people die by bulls every year.
125 people die by tigers every year.
35 people die by jellyfishes every year.
The average number of earthquake-related deaths per year varies greatly, but it is estimated to be around 10,000 globally. It depends on the magnitude and location of the earthquakes, as well as the level of preparedness in the affected areas.
24,000 people die every day of famine. That is 8,760,000 people a year.
no one knows yet how many people die each year from quicksand but i am pretty sure its not many.