The 2008 Honda VT750C2 Shadow Spirit uses 10-weight fork oil with approximately 14 ounces per fork leg. It is recommended to refer to the owner's manual for specific details on fork oil type and capacity.
One leg of a human is typically around 1 meter in length.
The hottest place in Turkey is typically the southeastern region, specifically cities like ΕanlΔ±urfa and Mardin. These areas experience high temperatures during the summer months, often exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
The leg has a joint at the knee, one at the hip, and one at the ankle. So each leg has 3.
There are many ways a leg can be broken, with common causes including falls, sports injuries, and car accidents. The specific way a leg can break varies depending on the force and direction of impact.
sixteen ounces in a pound. of anything.
A typical cooked turkey leg weighs around 8-12 ounces, depending on the size of the turkey and how it's prepared.
The juiciest meat is the dark meat - leg, thigh, wing. The driest meat is the breast meat, also called the white meat.
It's called dark meat. It could also be called the leg or the thigh.
no, it is a white meat. the terms white and red meat refer to the color it turns when it is cooked, not the color it is raw.
Typically the turkey wing and breast are considered white meat while the leg and thigh are considered dark meat.
Calories in 2 slices of turkey of roast turkeyIt depends on how thick or thin the slices are, whether it is light meat from the breast, or dark meat from the leg, and whether the skin was removed or not before eating. Here is a variety of samples.Cut from a home cooked (not deli) roast turkey there are:approx 62 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey dark meat including the skinapprox 52 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey dark meat with the skin removed before eatingapprox 38 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey breast with the skin removed before eatingapprox 53 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey breast including the skin.
Leg meat of a chicken is dark, not red. Red meat comes from cows.
The white meat or breast is a very popular part of the Thanksgiving turkey. It is easy to carve and mild tasting.....
The cooked leg of a turkey is called a drumstick.
A chicken breast and wing are considered white meat and therefore contains less fat. A chicken leg and thigh is considered dark meat and therefore has more fat. This is true also of turkey. Duck however is all dark meat and extremely greasy (but delicious). Cheyzer