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Use dimensional analysis to solve this problem. First calculate the molecular mass of CO2. This is found by (use a Periodic Table) adding 12.011g of C to (15.999g x2) grams of Oxygen. Once you do that, you find out that 44.009g are in 1 mole of CO2. Now, simply by looking at the equation of CO2, we can tell that 2 moles of oxygen atoms are in 1 mole of Co2 (look at the subscript for Oxygen). Now, your dimensional analysis should look like this:

254g CO2 x 1 mole CO2/44.009g CO2 x 2 mole Oxygen/1 mole CO2

The answer is 11.5 moles of Oxygen in 254g of CO2.

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Q: How many moles of oxygen atoms are present in a 254 g sample of CO2?
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