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At westernmost, 124"22'
At easternmost 114"10

so approx 10 degrees absolute width, though the above longitudes are at different lattitudes. Maximum width at same latitude is approx 6.5 degrees

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15y ago
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8y ago

In round numbers and using estimates, the northernmost latitude of California is the 42nd parallel: 42 degrees N, and the southernmost latitude is about 33.75 degrees N.

In round numbers and using estimates, the westernmost longitude of California is about 125 degrees W, and the easternmost longitude is about 114.25 degrees E.

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16y ago

The coastline is 840 miles. The tidal shoreline including small bays and inlets is 3427 miles.

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15y ago

California is 770 miles long at its widest points.

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9mo ago

California is approximately 250 miles wide east to west and around 770 miles long north to south.

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15y ago

There are a total of 2714.1845 miles of beach in California

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11y ago

I can see 7.8213° of longitude.

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Q: How many miles wide is California?
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How many miles wide is ca?

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Quote from the Related Link: "California is 770 miles long and 250 miles wide at its most distant points."

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