As wonderful as the internet is, you do not put stuff into your body based on
instructions you get from anonymous people on line, who you have never seen
and who have never seen you, who may or may not know what they're talking
about, and who have no reason to care whether or not you survive.
If there's some reason you don't want to talk to a real doctor, then phone up the
pharmacist at any large chain drugstore. He'll be happy to answer your question,
AND he'll know what he's talking about.
238 grams is mass, and ounces and cups are volume. There is no way to convert this without knowing the density (grams/ml or ounces/fluid ounce) for the liquid.
1 cup of butter is equivalent to 227 grams.
One cup of ground nuts = 160 grams
One cup of fresh parsley weighs approximately 60 grams.
Approximately 205 grams of macadamia nuts are in one cup.
One cup of cocoa pebbles typically weighs around 42 grams.
Well, honey, there are approximately 28.5 cups of Miralax in 119 grams. But let's be real, who in their right mind would want to drink that much laxative in one go? Just follow the damn instructions on the label and save yourself from a messy situation, okay?
250 fluid grams in one cup
One cup of butter = 240 grams.
150 Grams of Jaggery in one cup.
There is 220 grams of gelatine in one cup.
250 grams per cup.
250 grams in one cup.
250 grams water in one cup.
125 grams :)
About 240 grams.
About 250 grams
About 250 grams