500 ml = 2 glasses
It depends on the volume of the glass you are drinking the water from. If your glass of water is one cup (8 oz), then it will hold about 237 ml (1 cup = 236.6ml). In two cups there are 474 ml of water. In 2.1 cups there are 500ml of water. In short, if your glass holds 1 cup (8 oz) of water then 2.1 "glasses" will hold 500ml.
The length of a 500ml water bottle can vary depending on the brand and design, but on average, it is around 8-10 inches long.
6 500ml is equal to 3 liters.
There are 128 ounces in one gallon of water. So, 16 eight-ounce glasses of water equal one gallon of water.
There are approximately 8 glasses of water in 1 pound. Therefore, 0.9 oz is just under 1/10 of a pound, so it would be about 0.8 glasses of water.
There are 1.125 cups in 9 fluid ounces. In terms of standard 8 oz glasses, this would be approximately 1.13 glasses of water.
That's like asking how to pour 500mL of water into 2 500mL glasses and fill both glasses. It can't be done.
If The Glasses Are: 1l = 2 glasses 500ml = 4 glasses 250ml = 8 glasses
ten 2.5 / 0.25 = 10
To make a liter of water, you would need two 500ml bottles of water. This is because 1 liter is equivalent to 1000ml. Therefore, two 500ml bottles combined would give you a total of 1000ml or 1 liter of water.
12.8 glasses.
500ml is 0.5Litres, approx. a medium sized water botttle.
500mL is 0.0005m3
23 glasses
23 glasses
There are definitely 500mll in a 500mll water bottle RB
In order to find out how many grams is in 500ml, one must have a measurement of density available. If density is not known, it can be found by finding the volume of the substance in ml, finding mass in grams, and dividing mass by volume. From there, multiply the result by 500ml to find the amount of grams in 500ml of the substance.