A bushel is the largest unit (size) classification for dry raw goods such as wheat, rye, or barley. A gallon is the largest unit of classification for liquid goods such as milk or Orange Juice (and yes, orange juice can be commonly sold in gallon sized containers).
Bushel is a measure of capacity, the how much by volume. The weight of it depends on the what is measured.
A bushel of lead weights a lot more than a bushel of feathers.
1 U.S. bushel = 8 dry gallons = 2150,42 cu in ≈ 35,2391 litre ≈ 9,30918 liquid gallons.
So if we measure water: 1 litre of water weighs 1kg (at 4 degrees Celsius)
(One liter is composed of 1000 cubic centimeters (cc) . One cc, which is also the same as a milliliter of water weighs one gram. Therefore, a liter of water weighs one kilogram.)
and one bushel is 35,2391 litres, therefore one bushel of water weighs 35,2391 kilograms. Which is 35239,1 grams.
(do notice I use the comma here in European way to separate the units from partial units, it is not a marker for thousands)
1 Imperial bushel equals 8 imperial gallons.
One bushel = 9.30917797 US gallons according to Google calculator.
There are approximately 8.70 gallons in a bushel, so you would need about 4.35 two-gallon buckets to hold a bushel of beans.
Approximately 8 pounds
A bushel of carrots typically contains around 50-60 carrots.
six --OR-- If you are talking about a strictly volumetric conversion, there are 32 quarts in a bushel. This would be the case if you had one bushel of dried, shelled field corn, for example.
There are 25 lbs. per raw green chili in a bushel. After roasting, a bushel of chili loses approximately 7-10 lbs.
You don't string green beans. Unless you want to for some strange reason. But there are many kinds of green beans. 'String green beans' is the name of a common type of green bean.
Approx 930 of them.
Rice comes in by the bushel, not by the gallon. Gallon is a fluid volume measurement, not a means to measure solid particles like grains of rice. And it does depend on the size of the tractor trailer or b-train, as well as the general weight of the rice in terms of bushel size.
Red = 15, Green = 25 & Orange = 10
10 pounds of anything = 160 ounces of it
More than most veggies
The amount in a bushel.
None. A bushel is a measure of volume e.g. a bushel of potatoes.
There are a lot of broad beans (Vicia faba). Many people know them as fava beans, Windsor and horse beans. There are large seed and small seed varieties. Some examples are:SuttonAquadulce ClaudiaLeviathanMidgetColes DwarfEgyptian BrownRed EpicureScorpioMasterpiece Green