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It depends on the items you will plug into the power strip. Certain appliances require much more power than others. VCR's, phone chargers, DVD/CD players don't require much power depending, whereas a toaster or microwave may take 10 to 100 times the amount of power required. Acceptable areas for power strips are within a computer setup, or a home entertainment setup. They are not recommended in the bathroom or in the kitchen at all.

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11y ago

As many as you want. Just make sure that the total power used by all of the

devices that are turned on at the same time doesn't approach the current rating

of the fuse or circuit breaker that protects that circuit.

Keeping this account involves one more step, because each device is typically marked in

terms of the power it uses, but the fuse or breaker imposes a limitation in terms of current.

Here's a way to handle that:

-- Look at the fuse or breaker on the circuit. Note its current limit in Amperes.

Example: 10A, 15A, 20A .

-- Multiply that number by the mains voltage in your country.

Example: 110 in Cuba and Haiti. 120 in USA and Canada. 220 in India.

-- The product of the multiplication is the maximum total power available for

devices on that circuit. Simply add up the power (watts) required by each device.

-- Hint & suggestion ...

This method involves a few approximations and simplifications. Give yourself a

margin for safety. Set your limit on the circuit for no more than 80% or 90% of

the number you calculated.

And DO NOT try to extend the limit by putting in a larger fuse than the one

that's supposed to be there. That trick is inviting a fire.


In Canada the CEC states that there shall be not more than 12 outlets on any 2-wire branch circuit. These outlets shall be considered to be rated at not less than 1 amp per outlet

Where the connected load is known, the number of outlets shall be permitted to exceed 12, provided that the load current does not exceed 80% of the rating of the over current device protecting the circuit.

For example on a 15 amp breaker, 15 x 80% = 12 amps, hence the standard of 12 outlets on any 2-wire branch circuit.

On a 20 amp breaker, 20 x 80% = 16 amps. So from a 20 amp breaker this allows 16 outlets on a 2-wire branch circuit as long as the outlets are not considered to be rated at less than 1 amp per outlet.

The definition of an outlet is a point in the wiring installation at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment.

What this means is that if a light switch and a fixture outlet were on the same 2-wire branch circuit they would be subtracted from the maximum count of 12 receptacle outlets on the circuit which would leave 10. If the light fixture draws 3 amps plus the switch outlet, then the total circuit outlet count would be reduced to 8 receptacle outlets (12 - 3 - 1 = 8).

On a standard specification home most electricians will wire one circuit per room, the outlet count usually never reaches the maximum of 12 outlets.

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12y ago

A power strip (also known as an extension block, power board, plug board and by many other variations) is a block of electrical sockets that attaches to the end of a flexible cable (typically with a mains plug on the other end), allowing multiple electrical devices to be powered from a single electrical socket. Power strips are often used when many electrical devices are in proximity, such as for audio/video and computer systems. Power strips often include a circuit breaker to safely limit the electric current flowing through them

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What would happen if elctrical plugs only had on prong?

If electrical plugs only had one prong, there would be no grounding connection. This could increase the risk of electric shock and electrical fires as the grounding prong is designed to divert excess electrical current safely. Additionally, appliances may not function properly without the necessary grounding for safety and efficiency.

Why electrical outlets have two holes?

Electrical outlets have two holes to accommodate the two-pronged plugs commonly used for electrical devices. The holes are designed to provide the necessary connection to supply power to the plugged-in device. One hole is for the live wire, and the other is for the neutral wire, completing the circuit and allowing electricity to flow.

How many sockets on a radial circuit?

A radial circuit typically has one socket outlet or more connected in a line, branching from a single cable or circuit. The number of sockets that can be accommodated on a radial circuit depends on the rating of the circuit breakers, cable size, and the electrical load of the connected devices. It is important to adhere to building regulations and guidelines to ensure the safety and efficiency of the electrical system.

What type of an electrical circuit has more than one current branch?

A parallel circuit has more than one current branch. In a parallel circuit, the components are connected in separate paths to the voltage source, allowing for multiple current paths and different current levels through each branch.

Does an electric fan work by using a series circuit?

If there is only one fan in the circuit then it is in a series circuit. If there is more that one fan then they will be connected in a parallel configuration.

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How you would wire an electrical circuit?

There are many types of electrical circuits and each one is wired differently. Without knowing the specific circuit that needs to be wired, this question can not be answered.

What would happen if elctrical plugs only had on prong?

If electrical plugs only had one prong, there would be no grounding connection. This could increase the risk of electric shock and electrical fires as the grounding prong is designed to divert excess electrical current safely. Additionally, appliances may not function properly without the necessary grounding for safety and efficiency.

How many electrical paths are in a parallel circut?

In a parallel circuit, each component is connected directly to the power source, resulting in multiple electrical paths. The number of electrical paths in a parallel circuit is equal to the number of components connected in parallel.

What is the Difference between circuit and parallel circuit?

A series circuit is one in which the current must pass through all the electrical devices in the circuit in turn. A parallel circuit is one in which the current passes through each electrical device on the circuit following separate, independent path from all other devices on the circuit, one for each electrical device.

An electrical circuit with components placed one after the other?

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An electrical circuit in which the electricity only has one path to follow is called?

series circuit

Why does electrical current flow along a single path in a series circuit and more than one path in a parallel circuit?

Because there is only a single path in series circuit and many paths in parallel circuit.

What circuit is a circuit in which electrical current can follow only one path?

It is called a series circuit.

Why would one electrical outlet be lower voltage than all the others?

because the circuit has to many outlets on it

What is an electric circuit in which the electric charges have only one path to follow?

It is a series electrical circuit.

How can one electrical circuit affect another electrical circuit?

In many, many ways, some of which are very hard to detect or measure. You'll have to be more specific. :)However, we will attemt an exhaustive list anyways:Magnetic Induction: the currents running within two nearby circuits can affect each otherSparks: High-energy electrons flying from one circuit can damage another circuit they reachMechanical interference: I'm going out on a limb here, but a motor attached to one circuit could tangle the wires of anotherthe list goes on...

How could you get more than one electrical circuit in the garage?

Run another wire from the electrical panel.