The magnetic declination in San Diego, California is approximately 12 degrees east, which means there is a 12 degree difference between true north and magnetic north in that area.
San Diego is 8 hours behind Ireland. For example, when it is 12:00 PM in Ireland, it is 4:00 AM in San Diego.
San Diego, CA is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT) and Amarillo, TX is in the Central Time Zone (CT). The time difference between these two locations is 2 hours, with Amarillo being ahead of San Diego.
Belfast is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. San Diego is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. San Diego is 8 hours behind Belfast. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
Chula Vista, CA. San Diego Metro Area.
The driving distance between San Diego and Pasadena is approximately 120 miles, which typically takes around 2-3 hours by car depending on traffic conditions.
difference in vegatation
The North Pacific Ocean.
San Diego is 8 hours behind Ireland. For example, when it is 12:00 PM in Ireland, it is 4:00 AM in San Diego.
There is no difference. They are both in the Pacific Time Zone.
San Diego, CA is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT) and Amarillo, TX is in the Central Time Zone (CT). The time difference between these two locations is 2 hours, with Amarillo being ahead of San Diego.
their in the same time zone
None. They are both 8 hours behind GMT.
Atlanta is farther north The city which is the farthest north in the USA is Atlanta 33 degrees 34' North, followed by Phoenix 33 degrees 26' North and the last is San Diego 32 degrees 42' North.The city that is farthest north between phoenix San Diego and Atlanta is Atlanta .
cold? San Diego? wtf. low 50's is already too cold for us in San Diego. and that's in the mountains, around Julian.. lets put it this way..... its 18 degrees in Ohio right now.... 75 degrees, and sunny here in San Diego......nuff said.
San Diego is on Pacific Standard Time, Quebec is on Eastern Standard Time. The difference between the two places is three hours. When it is 11am in Quebec, it is 8am in San Diego.
Its called google bro, do you use it?