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A keg is technically any type of steel container used to serve beer from using either pressurized air for carbon dioxide. What most people think of a keg is actually a 1/2 barrel. A barrel is equal to 31 gallons (US). What most people call a keg is actually a 1/2 barrel, so 15.5 gallons.

Oddly enough, what most people call a 1/4 keg is actually a 1/4 barrel, not a 1/4 of what people think of when they think of a keg (which is a 1/2 barrel). So a 1/4 keg (aka 1/4 barrel) is 7.75 gallons.

There's 128oz of beer in a gallon. Assuming you want a cup of beer to be 12oz, which is what is in a bottle or can of beer, there will be 82.67 cups of beer in a 1/4 keg (aka 1/4 barrel).

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9mo ago

A quarter keg contains about 62 cups (or 15.5 quarts) of beer.

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How many glasses of beer are in a keg?

In an American Keg there is 100 glasses of beer. In a European Keg there is 84 beers. Both these numbers are half barrels. in a quarter barrel there is 33.

How many 16oz cups will it take to empty a regular size keg?

170.66 170.66

How many cups of beer per keg?

What people typically call a "keg" in the US is actually a 1/2-barrel keg." A barrel of beer is 31 gallons, so a keg would have 15 1/2 US gallons of beer, or 1984 ounces. If you are using twelve ounce cups, that equals out to about 165 cups. If you are with real beer drinkers, you will want to pour a pint (16 ounces). You'll get 124 pints. If you are talking about actual 8-ounce cups, there would be 248 cups.

How many ounces in quarter keg?

A quarter keg is 7.75 gallons of beer. This amounts to 992 fluid ounces or ....82.667 beers (12 ouncers). This would mean a quarter keg is 3.5 cases of 12 oz cans. Most mugs hold 16 ounces (preferred method of enjoying draft beer) and would equal 62 mugs.

How many cups of beer in a 15.5 gal keg?

If you are literally talking about a "cup of liquid", which is 8oz, then its about 248 cups. If you are talking about a pint, which is 16oz, then it is 124 pints. If you are talking about a 12oz cup, the same amount as a soda, which is 12oz, then it is 165 cups.

How many 12 ounce beer in a keg of beer?

around 165 in a keg that is almost 16 gallons

How many glasses of beer in a half keg of beer?

There are 165 12oz glasses of beer in a 1/2 Barrel (15.5 gallon) Keg.

How many kinds of beer keg taps are there?

There are a few different kinds of beer keg taps that are available. Globally, there are six kinds of available options for beer keg taps. These are mostly divided by continent, such as US keg taps and European keg taps.

How many pints of beer is in a 15.5 gallon keg of beer?

There are approximately 124 pints of beer in a 15.5 gallon keg.

How many people does a half keg serve?

A half keg typically holds 15.5 gallons of beer, which is equivalent to about 124 pints (16 oz each). Assuming each person drinks 2-3 beers, a half keg can serve around 40-60 people.