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It is generally recommended to wait at least 8 hours after adding chlor brite pool chemical before swimming. This allows the chemical to fully circulate and disinfect the water, ensuring it is safe for swimming. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for specific guidance.

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Q: How long swim after chlor brite pool chemical?
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How do you get rid of chemical smells in a swimming pool?

To get rid of chemical smells in a swimming pool, you can first check the pH and chlorine levels to ensure they are balanced. Increasing the pool's water circulation and adding activated carbon or a pool deodorizer can help absorb and eliminate the chemical odors. Regular pool maintenance and proper water treatment will also prevent future chemical smells in the pool.

How long does it take to clean green algae in a pool?

The time it takes to clean green algae in a pool will vary depending on the severity of the algae infestation, the size of the pool, and the cleaning methods used. It typically takes several days to a week to completely clean and remove green algae from a pool. Regular maintenance and proper chemical treatment can help prevent future algae growth.

What are good pool chemical substitutes?

Pool chemical substitutes are not recommended, as they can disrupt the delicate balance of chemicals needed to keep the pool clean and safe. It's best to use the proper pool chemicals recommended by the manufacturer to maintain water quality and ensure the pool is safe for swimming. Avoid using household chemicals as substitutes, as they may cause harm to swimmers and damage the pool.

How do you remove algae when you can not backwash?

You can manually vacuum the algae out of the pool using a pool vacuum. You can also use a pool brush to scrub the algae off the walls and floor of the pool, and then use a fine mesh net to scoop it out. Additionally, you can shock the pool with a higher dose of chlorine to kill the algae.

Is pristine blue a good chemical choice for a pool?

Yes, Pristine Blue is a popular chemical option for treating pools. It is known for being effective in keeping pool water clean and clear by controlling algae and bacteria growth. However, it is recommended to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult with a pool professional before adding any new chemicals to your pool.

Related questions

What are some pool cleaning products for pool maintenance?

Some pool cleaning products are Surface Magic Water Surface Cleaner,Pool Perfect, Polaris pool cleaner,Chlor Brite Granular Chlorine, and Hayward Pool Vac XL.

How do you get rid of clear green pool water Chemical balance is perfect and no trace metals or algae A soft swim pool?

More filtration. What is the filter run time? What delineates "perfect"? 3.0 Chlor, 7.5 pH, spot on alkalinity?

What is Cost of diamond brite pool plaster?

The cost of Diamond Brite pool plaster varies from state to state and the store or online store from where you buy it. In some locations you can buy an 80 pound bag for $20.06. An 80 pound bag of Diamond Brite pool plaster covers approximately 22 sq. ft. to a thickness of 3/8".

Can a diamond brite finished pool be pressure washed then refilled?

depends how old it is.

What you mean by acid water?

With a new pool surface installed- Diamond Brite or any aggregate surface- is it possible or doable to acid wash the pool with water in the pool??

How long do you have to wait after pool is cleaned?

Sometimes when my mom and dad gives the chemical anyway the pool.

How much Diamond Brite is needed per square ft?

In Florida we only measure the floor of the pool. Lenght x width and you have the square footage for a pool. A 350sqft pool with a nice shell, without too many imperfections , will be done with 28 bags of diamond brite (80# bag). Premium Pool and Pavers, Clearwater, Florida 727 271 5975.

Why when you turn on the pool brown stuff comes out of your pool?

Iron in the fill water and you probably added chlor right after filling. Filter the water for 24 hrs then add chlor. There is a product made for iron in the water. It is a chealating agent that keeps the iron in suspension until the filter can filter out the iron.

Can Diamond Brite be repaired?

Diamond Brite can be repaired. To repair a surface, cut out the crack 1/2 inch deep and fill it in with caulk. Allow to dry, fill the pool and it's ready to use.

Can there be too much sand in the pool filter?

Possibly. But have you checked the chemical levels 1st - chlor, pH, Total alkalinity? Are you running the filter/pump long enough? Run 24/7 until pool is very clear then cut back to about 8 to 10 hrs.

Why will pool water not hold chlorine pH and all other levels are great have tried stabilizer which does not work either and have had water checked atlocal pool store to no avail?

Need more info here. You are too vague. How much stabilizer in what size (gal.) pool? How much and what type of chlorine are you using. Has the liquid chlor. been sitting in the sun for a day or 2. Did you buy your liq. chlor at a supermarket or big box store - that may be you problem. If you are using household bleach - forget it. It will not work for a pool. Not strong enough. Dry chlor.- then not enough added at one time. AND THE POOL STORE CAN'T HELP YOU ???

How expensive is it to change a vinyl lined pool into a Diamond brite surfaced pool?

Expensive. The dig is probably one of the least expensive parts of the inground pool process. Essentially when you pull the vynal out that is what you have. a hole. You can plan to have the gunite shot in, replumbing, coping and decking. Then the diamon brite plaster is shot at the end. In most markets you can count on approximate costs of over $20,000.