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The average is 12 months. The range is 11 to 14 months.

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4mo ago

A female donkey, also known as a jenny, typically carries a foal for about 12 months, similar to a horse's gestation period.

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Q: How long does a female donkey carry a foal?
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How long does a donkey pregnancy last?

A donkey is pregnant for 12 months, a full year before giving birth to her foal :)12 months on average. But many go 13 months+/-A donkey is an equine the same as a horse. But a donkey's gestation lasts appox. 12 months. Where as a horse's gestation period averages 11 months.A donkey's gestation period is 11 1/2 to 12 months long.

Long is the heat cycle of a donkey?

A donkey's heat cycle can vary since no two donkeys are the same. However, the average heat cycle tends to be anywhere between 23 and 30 days.

How many babies do donkeys have in a delivery?

Produce refers to the offspring of a female. Therefore, a female is capable of producing offspring from the onset of maturity well into her later years. The most foals ever recorded for a horse mare was over twenty. No studies have been done on the number of offspring produced by a donkey jennet, but she would be capable of producing three foals every four years for her life from age three to death. Donkeys live to be well into their thirties on average. However, just breeding the jennet year after year to produce foals could be harmful to the jennet and shorten her lifespan. Any breeding of animals should be done to improve the breed as a whole, not just add numbers to a population.

How long do you have to carry a baby?

Female humans carry a baby for the average time of 9 months.

Is the gestation period the same for colts and fillies?

Yes, the gestation period for colts (male horses) and fillies (female horses) is generally the same, which is around 11 months.

How long does a mare carry twin foals for?

The length of pregnancy would not really be affected by the number of foals, all horses tend to carry a foal or foals for about 11 months or roughly 330 to 340 days.

How long does it take for a foal to become a horse on farmville?

A foal is a foal for four years... But it technically becomes a yearling after one year.

What is the difference in a donkey and a mule?

The donkey is a domesticated hoofed mammal, which is related to the horse. But a Donkey is smaller than a horse with long ears, short hair on the tail, a short mane, and a dark stripe along the back. A Mule is a hybrid animal from crossing a jack (male donkey) and a mare (female horse).

How long does the foal stays with its mother for?


How long can a donkey be in labor?

my donkey has been in labour since this morning how long will she be

How long does it take for you foal on Bella to grow?

Ive got a foal on Bella too, i don't know how long it takes for a foal to grow but i think it lasts maybe a month or two?

How long does a foal stay in the mares tummy?

A foal is usually only called a foal for a year. Then they are called yearlings.