Weathering is the breaking down of rock into smaller and smaller particles. Weathering processes include frost wedging, acid rain dissolution, root growth, wind particle abrasion, heat expansion cracking, hydraulic fracture, and rock tumbling in rivers and streams.
Erosion is the movement of weathered material from one place to another place through the agents of erosion: wind, water, ice, and gravity. nice answer
In tandem, weathering and erosion act to lower the high points, and raise the low points on the surface of the planet.
Weathering is different from erosion because weathering is the breaking away of rocks but erosion is when weathered rock and soil move from one place to another.
Weathering refers to the process of breaking down rocks and minerals on Earth's surface into smaller pieces while erosion involves the movement of these weathered materials from one place to another by different agents like wind, water, and ice. Weathering is a mechanical or chemical process that breaks down rocks in situ, while erosion involves the transportation of these weathered materials to a different location.
Weathering is the breakdown of rock into a regolith. Erosion is the removal of that regolith by wind, ice or water.
weathering is part of erosion
there are two types of erosion
mechanical and chemical.
chemical refers to elements such as oxygen and Iron which cause a chemical change such as rust and oxidation
mechanical weathering is when rocks or materials are separated by water mass movement etc
Weathering brakes up rock. Erosion removes the broken up pieces.
first the weathering happens which causes an erosion which makes deposition.
by how they can used erosion and weathering
Weathering and erosion are physical forces that break down and move rocks and soil. It involves processes such as wind, water, ice, and gravity that wear away and transport materials on Earth's surface.
No, erosion and weathering are not the same thing. Weathering refers to the breaking down of rocks and minerals on the Earth's surface into smaller pieces, while erosion involves the movement and transportation of these weathered materials by agents such as water, wind, or ice.
Erosion is when..................................................................................................................................................and weathering is when......................................................................................................!
Erosion is the process of moving weathered material from one place to another, while weathering is the breakdown of rocks and minerals in place. Erosion involves transportation of the weathered material by agents like water, wind, or ice, which weathering does not.
1. WEATHERING a. physical weathering/mechanical weathering b. chemical weathering 2. EROSION a. erosion by water b. erosion by wind c. erosion by ice/glaciers 3. MASS MOVEMENT a. landslide b. mudslide 4. TECTONIC PLATE MOVEMENT
Weathering brakes up rock. Erosion removes the broken up pieces.
maybe there just differrent by how they work
Weathering is when it rains and has a vary amount of wind and different types of weather. Erosion is when he rocks deform to different shapes. So it has a HUGE Impact because it changes the look of the rock.
Erosion can cause weathering by wearing down rocks and transporting particles, exposing them to different environmental conditions. This exposes the rocks to more physical and chemical processes that contribute to their breakdown and eventual disintegration, leading to weathering.
Yes, erosion is a synonym of weathering.
weathering then erosion ,then deposition
Weathering does not necessarily have to take place before erosion. While weathering is the breakdown of rocks into smaller particles, erosion is the process of transporting these particles to a new location. Weathering can occur simultaneously with erosion or even after erosion has started.
weathering is part of erosion there are two types of erosion mechanical and chemical. chemical refers to elements such as oxygen and Iron which cause a chemical change such as rust and oxidation mechanical weathering is when rocks or materials are separated by water mass movement etc
Weathering is the process that breaks down rocks into smaller pieces, while erosion is the transportation of those smaller pieces to a different location. Weathering weakens the rocks, making them more susceptible to erosion by water, wind, or ice. Together, weathering and erosion work hand in hand to reshape the Earth's surface over time.