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I can't be sure, but I think you're asking about 'G's ... that press you back into

your seat when you MASH the gas pedal, and press the astronauts into their

couches during lift-off.

'G's are not a speed at all. They refer to an acceleration. That means how fast

speed is changing.

(That's what presses you back into your seat. Speed doesn't do that. When you're

cruising on a passenger airliner, you can easily be speeding along at 500 miles per

hour, but you can read a book, watch a movie, daydream, and drift off if you feel like

it. We don't feel speed. We feel changes in speed.)

One 'G' means that your speed is growing (or shrinking) by about 22 miles per hour

every second.

Fighter pilots train to experience high G-forces, and they wear special flight suits

to neutralize the forces on the body during high-G. If you or I go through 10 G's

without training or a special pressure suit, then the speed is growing by almost

220 miles per hour every second, and in that kind of situation, the blood drains

out of the brain and we pass out.

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4mo ago

10 g is equal to 98.1 m/s^2, which is approximately 21.97 mph.

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