Veins are blood vessels that carry blood back from the cells to the heart. The pressure is rather low and the blood is moving slower than when the blood first leaves the heart.
900 years
The best fictional way to travel through space fast without messing with time is teleportation.
In common speech, velocity means speed, they are the same thing.
A red blood cell travels at a speed of about 0.5 meters per second. However, this speed can vary depending on factors such as the size of the blood vessel and the presence of any obstructions in the bloodstream.
Yes, they travel some fast!
10 mph
yes. they are situated close to muscles, when the muscles contract and relax this causes the blood to flow through them. blood is low pressure through veins therefore does not move fast, it relies on the muscle movement to move the blood through them. the valves prevent backflow of the blood.
Blood travels through the human body at an average speed of about 3 to 4 miles per hour.
Arteries do not have valves because the heart provides the pressure needed to send blood through the system. Veins have valves because venous pressure is often not great enough (as the blood must overcome gravity and other forces) to return the blood to the heart.
Blood travels at three feet per second when it leaves the heart, but it slows down as it reaches smaller arteries and capillaries. Blood takes one minute to travel through the body.
Blood travels through the body at an average speed of about 3-4 miles per hour. Factors that can affect its speed include the diameter of blood vessels, blood pressure, and the viscosity of the blood.
Fish have one circuit and two heart chambers in their circulatory system. Blood collects in the atrium and moves to the ventricle where it is pumped first to the gills to collect oxygen, then to the body to deliver the oxygen to tissues. Since the blood does not return to the heart after moving through the gills, it has low pressure as it moves through the body.