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about an inch

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The second intercostal space is located approximately 2 inches below the clavicle. This space is between the second and third ribs, along the side of the chest.

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Where is the correct location for obtaining the apical pulse?

Sitting position or standing position to record appropriately.

Where is the second intercostal space located?

between the second and third ribs

In Bringing Up Baby Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant are looking for an intercostal clavicle What is an intercostal clavicle?

In the movie, the "intercostal clavicle" was a piece of a bone taken from an archeological dig and sent to Cary Grant's character to complete the reproduced dinosaur construction of a "brontosaurus" he was building in the museum in which he worked.In actuality, "intercostal clavicle" is a fictitious bone invented by the screenwriters from two actual medical terms. The first (intercostal) means "between the ribs" and the second (clavicle) is a bone found in some mammals just above the ribs extending out towards the shoulder. It's purpose is to connect the arm to the torso in such a way that the arms can hang freely.Together, they would imply that the clavicle bone of a brontosaurus somehow runs between one or more of its ribs. This would be painful to say the least and would possibly interfere with the creature's ability to breathe while it's arms were in motion. Further, the brontosaurus would have no need for specifically a clavicle as their arms never actually hang free (it walked on all fours) and bones of this nature would snap under the weight (33 tons). The brontosaurus' arms (read front legs) mount directly to massive hip-like bones that form their shoulders.There is no such dinosaur as a brontosaurus (means "thunder lizard") -- a name originally used incorrectly to describe several species of sauropod dinosaurs which passed into popular culture. As a paleontologist, Cary Grant's character would have known that and referred to his dinosaur as an Apatosaurus (means "deceptive lizard"). The screenwriters (who were not scientists) were probably unaware of this distinction.A little bit of movie magic; still funny despite the flaws.

Where are the intercostal spaces located?

The intercostal spaces are located between the ribs and contain muscles, blood vessels, and nerves that help with breathing. There are 11 intercostal spaces on each side of the ribcage.

What is the muscle between your ribs called?

intercostal muscle

What is Aortic semilunar valve area?

In the second intercostal space, right to the sternum.

Pulmonary valve is best heard in which area?

The pulmonary valve is best heard in the second left intercostal space along the left sternal border. This location is known as the pulmonic area.

Another name for the collarbone?

Another name for the collarbone is the Clavicle.

Where do you put a stethoscope to listen to the aortic valve?

over the right sternal border and the second intercostal space(n.b. it seems paradoxical from the anatomy of the heart, where the aortic valve comes out from the left ventrical, but think of it as the aorta come out of the ventricle, it actually crosses over a bit to the right so it can form the arch of aorta

What is the scientific name for the collar bone?

The scientific name for the collar bone is clavicle.

What does clavicle?

The clavicle is the collar bone

What is located at the second rib and fifth intercostal space?

The second rib is located at the sternal angle, which marks the division between the manubrium and body of the sternum. The fifth intercostal space is where the apex of the heart is located, specifically the point of maximal impulse (PMI).