2794.3227 miles NY Central Park = Latitude 40 degrees 74mins N :longitude 73 deg 58 mins W 1 degree = 60 mins of arc
1 minuit of arc = 1 nautical mile 40.74 X 60 = 2428.2 nautical miles from equator to NY Central park 2428.2 nautical miles = 4497.0264 kilometers = 2794.3227 miles
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New York City is closer to the equator than the North Pole. It is near 41° N latitude.The equator is 41° south of NYC, but the North Pole is 49° north of the city, about 550 miles (8°) farther away.
Yes. Brooklyn, Australia is south of the equator, whereas Brooklyn New York and Minnesota are both north of it.
s far at the equator colder than contries near the equator
Townsville is approximately 1,191 kilometers (740 miles) south of the equator.
Gabon actually sits on the equator.
how far is it from Ireland to New York how far is it from Ireland to New York how far is it from Ireland to New York
About 4,400 km
The distance from London to New York is 5585 km.
New York is (about) halfway between the equator and the (north) pole.
New York City is located at 40.7128° N, The Equator at 0°, and the North Pole at 90° N, the South Pole at 90° S. New York City is about 50 degrees from the North Pole, about 40 degrees from the Equator, and 130 degrees from the South Pole.
As far as from London to New York - 3459 miles (or 5567 kilometers).
The state of New York is on the lake at Buffalo New York
Buffalo, New York is at the other end of the state from New York City.
Pretty Far
New York, NY and Manhattan are both the same.
Sydney to New York is 9946 Miles