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The Earth's Magnetic North Pole, where the magnetic field lines become oriented vertically, moves constantly due to the drift in the Earth's magnetic field. In 2005, the Magnetic North Pole was located at 82.7°N by 114.4°W. To find the magnitudal 2-D land displacement (distance) from the Magnetic North Pole to the True North Pole, multiply the difference between the Magnetic North Pole's latitude (+82.7) and 90 degrees, by 60 nautical miles. (Or: [90-82.7 = 7.3]×60 = 438 nautical miles). That value was correct for 2005, but keep in mind that any latitudinal shift in the position of the Magnetic North Poll indicates a change in distance between the two.

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8mo ago

The magnetic pole is located around 450 kilometers (280 miles) away from the geographic North Pole. However, the position of the magnetic pole can shift over time due to changes in Earth's magnetic field.

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7y ago

The North Pole is at 90 degrees N latitude.

The North Magnetic Pole is currently at about 83 degrees N latitude and 116 degrees W longitude.

The North Magnetic Pole is currently located in the Arctic Ocean north of Canada and is moving north west at an average of 10 km per year since 1903.

In the last couple of years, this movement has speeded up, it is now moving towards Russia at a rate of 40 miles (60 km) per year. Scientists believe that this is caused by an upwelling of magnetism in the Earth's molten core. They have no idea how long this could last, if it will stop or even if it might reverse itself.

There is a difference of about 500 kilometres between the Geographic North and Magnetic North poles.

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8y ago

The geographic South Pole is located at 90 degrees S. The magnetic South Pole is located at 64.28°S 136.59°E. Each line of latitude is about 69 miles. As of 2015, the distance in miles is about 1,774.68.

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15y ago

The North Magnetic Pole is located at about 82.7° North and 114.4° West in 2005 (northwest of Sverdrup Island). However it's not there anymore. Since it was discovered in 1831 it has moved hundreds of kilometers from where it is now.

The average center point of the North Magnetic Pole moves up to 40 km a year more or less towards the west, but it also circles about its average center point at up to 80km/day.

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12y ago

Depends on your latitude

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Q: How far away from the North Pole is the Magnetic Pole?
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No. You will reach to the North Magnetic Pole instead, which is a fair distance from the True North Pole, as the magnet always points North due to Earth's magnetic fields. The distance between the two North Poles are also changing, as Earth's magnetic fields will turn. The current South Pole will be the next North Magnetic Pole in the far future.

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The three magnetic poles are the north magnetic pole, the south magnetic pole, and the geomagnetic pole. The north and south magnetic poles are where the Earth's magnetic field lines converge and point vertically into or out of the Earth's surface, while the geomagnetic pole is the point on the Earth's surface above the axis of the magnetic field.

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