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They have different side groups.

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The sequence in which the 20 different amino acids are linked together determines the specific protein that is created. Your DNA provides the instructions for the order of amino acids in each protein, and specialized molecules called transfer RNA (tRNA) help match the correct amino acid to the corresponding DNA code. This process of transcription and translation ultimately results in the production of a wide variety of proteins with different structures and functions.

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Q: How does your body make different kinds of proteins using only 20 amino acids?
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There are 20 different kinds of monomers in proteins, called amino acids.

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What are the components of protein?

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. There are 20 different amino acids, which can be combined in various sequences to form different proteins. Proteins also contain peptide bonds that hold the amino acids together in a chain.

How many amino acids are used in the synthesis of body protein?

They have varying numbers, as different amino acids form different polypetide chains, which form different amino acids in the way they become folded to suit their function

How many different kinds of monomers are there in proteins?

There are 20 different kinds of monomers, known as amino acids, that make up proteins. Each amino acid has a unique side chain that contributes to the specific properties and functions of the protein.

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Are polysaccharides polymers that contain up to 20 different kinds of naturally occurring amino acids?

No. Polysaccharides are sugars, amino acids make up polypeptides (proteins).

How many amino acids are there that make up proteins?

The number of amino acids/protein differ largely and is characteristic for each protein separately. A protein is composed of amino acids, and the function of the protein depends of the type and order of the amino acids. Because amino acids can be arranged in many different combinations, it's possible for your body to make thousands of different kinds of protein from just the same 20 amino acids.The simplest protein of life, ribonuclease, contains 124 amino acids. The "average" protein, though, contains several thousand amino acids, but those several thousand comprised only about 20 different kinds of amino acids.

How many different types of amino acids exist?

There are 20 different types of amino acids that are commonly found in proteins. Each amino acid has a unique side chain that gives it specific properties and functions in the body.

About twenty kinds of these acids make up humans' numerous proteins?

These are amino acids.

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Why are there so many kinds of protein?

Proteins are made up of different sequences of amino acids, which can be combined in countless ways. This variety allows for the creation of different protein structures and functions, leading to the vast array of proteins found in living organisms. Each type of protein plays a specific role in the body, contributing to functions such as muscle contraction, immune response, and enzyme activity.