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Millions of meteors enter the atmosphere, an average of 40 tons per day. Most of them all melt or vaporize within the mesosphere, as a result of collisions with the gas particles contained there. Earth's thicker atmosphere prevents the surface collisions (craters) that can be seen on the planet Mercury, on our Moon, and on most other smaller bodies in the solar system. Only a few large or dense rocks make it to the ground.

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12y ago
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9mo ago

The Mesosphere helps protect the Earth by absorbing and dissipating the energy of incoming meteors, which burn up in this layer of the atmosphere due to friction. It also plays a role in the filtering of harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun, contributing to the protection of life on Earth.

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14y ago

As far as I know, it doesn't really do anything to protect the Earth. It contains all of the least dense particles of the atmosphere, and keeps the satellites in orbit I think. Sorry, but this is the best answer I have!

I am going to improve this ; phone calls and television pictures are relayed by a way of communications satellites that orbit earth in the exosphere

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15y ago

The main dynamical features in this region are atmospheric tides, internal atmospheric gravity waves (commonly called "gravity waves") and planetary waves. Most of these tides and waves are excited in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, and propagate upward to the mesosphere. In the mesosphere, gravity-wave amplitudes can become so large that the waves become unstable and dissipate. This dissipation deposits momentum into the mesosphere and largely drives global circulation.

Noctilucent clouds are located in the mesosphere. The mesosphere is also the region of the ionosphere known as the D layer. The D layer is only present during the day, when some ionization occurs with nitric oxide being ionized by Lyman series-alpha hydrogen radiation. The ionization is so weak that when night falls, and the source of ionization is removed, the free electron and ion form back into a neutral molecule.

A 5 km (3.1 mi) deep sodium layer is located between 80-105 km (50-65 mi). Made of unbound, non-ionized atoms of sodium, the sodium layer radiates weakly to contribute to the airglow.

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10y ago

Mesosphere protects us from the meteors. This is the outermost layer.

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12y ago

Burning Up Meteors And Rock Fagments.

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Q: How does the Mesosphere protect the Earth?
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What two layers of the atmosphere protect you?

The stratosphere and the mesosphere protect you from harmful ultraviolet radiation and most meteoroids. The stratosphere contains the ozone layer, which absorbs and scatters the sun's UV radiation. The mesosphere helps burn up most meteoroids before they can reach the Earth's surface.

Which layer protects earth from asteroids?

The Earth's atmosphere is the layer that helps protect the planet from asteroids. When asteroids enter the Earth's atmosphere, friction causes them to heat up and break apart, reducing the impact of the asteroid on the Earth's surface.

Is the ozone layer same as the Mesoshpere?

No, the ozone layer is a region in Earth's stratosphere that contains a high concentration of ozone gas, which helps protect us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The mesosphere is a layer of Earth's atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere, characterized by decreasing temperatures with altitude.

Which of Earth's atmospheric levels is the coldest?

The mesosphere is the coldest layer of Earth's atmosphere. Temperatures in the mesosphere can drop as low as -90 degrees Celsius (-130 degrees Fahrenheit) due to its altitude and the thinness of the air molecules.

What objects are found in the mesosphere?

In the mesosphere, you can find objects such as meteors, noctilucent clouds, and some types of stratospheric aerosols. The mesosphere is the layer of Earth's atmosphere between the stratosphere and thermosphere, and it's where many meteoroids burn up upon entering from space.

Related questions

What are the examples of advocacy of mesosphere to protect mother earth?

Examples of advocacy for the mesosphere to protect Earth include raising awareness about the mesosphere's role in protecting the planet from harmful radiation, advocating for policies that reduce human activities leading to ozone depletion in the mesosphere, and promoting research to better understand and monitor the health of the mesosphere to ensure Earth's protection.

Does the mesosphere protect earth from meteoroids?

Yes, the mesosphere helps protect Earth from meteoroids by burning up smaller meteoroids as they enter the atmosphere due to friction with gas molecules. This process causes them to disintegrate before reaching the Earth's surface.

How does the mesosphere help protect earth?

The mesosphere helps protect Earth by absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation and breaking down meteoroids that enter the atmosphere. It also plays a role in regulating the temperature of the planet by allowing heat to escape into space.

What is the purpose of the mesosphere?

The mesosphere is a layer in Earth's atmosphere that helps protect the planet by absorbing and dissipating the energy from incoming meteoroids. It also plays a role in filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

Why does the mesosphere not protect us from the suns layers?

Mesosphere does not protect us. It is because it does not contain an ozone layer.

What are the mesosphere's functions?

The mesosphere is a layer of Earth's atmosphere that helps protect life on Earth by absorbing and dissipating the majority of meteor impacts. It is also where most meteors burn up upon entering the atmosphere, creating streaks of light known as shooting stars. Additionally, the mesosphere plays a role in influencing weather patterns and climate.

Where is the mesosphere on earth?

below earth

Why is mesosphere important on earth?

because with out it meteors would hit Earth because the mesosphere kills the meteors.

What physical layer of the earth is below the mesosphere?

The outer core lies under the mesosphere.

What two layers of the atmosphere protect you?

The stratosphere and the mesosphere protect you from harmful ultraviolet radiation and most meteoroids. The stratosphere contains the ozone layer, which absorbs and scatters the sun's UV radiation. The mesosphere helps burn up most meteoroids before they can reach the Earth's surface.

What is the mesosphere of earth made of?


Why is mesosphere important?

The mesosphere is important because metioroids burn up in this portion of the atmosphere stoping them from going to the earth.