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Presently there are over 7,000 applications to the government for recognition as a church. The Kenya government is hostile toward Christian churches and so takes its time of granting about 60-70 churches a month recognition. As you can see the numbers are not good. Many Christian pastors waiting on their official recognition have continued to have church and have been arrested and put in jail. If you are seeking to make application, obtain the required forms, submit them to the right office, and be prepared to pay 160,000 KS to for the license. There is a lot of fraud in Kenya. You may elect to use a qualified lawyer. In the mean time, to have legal authority it may be quicker and safer to contact an already licensed church, work under that church, pay a fee for the cover charge, and then wait until approved. In this way, at least you can collect some donations. The only downside to this, is if your cover wants a bigger cut and is greedy, he may terminate your association and turn you in to be arrested and put in jail. Many so-called groups there are not real churches, they are money-making scams. The best way to handle this is to get official government recognition. Or, go underground and take your risks.

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3w ago

To register a church in Kenya, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Decide on a name for the church that is not already in use
  2. Obtain a certificate of good conduct for the founders and leaders of the church
  3. Apply for registration at the office of the Attorney General
  4. Submit the necessary documents such as the church constitution, statement of faith, and list of officials and members.
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