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The period is 24 hours, governed by the Sun rising and setting. But this is a trick question because during that 24 hours, the Earth has gone round its orbit a little so it has to rotate for four extra minutes each day to get to noon with the Sun at the same place in the sky.

The period relative to the stars is 23 hours 56 minutes, so our 24-hour day makes all the stars rise and set four minutes earlier each day.

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Velda Hauck

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Q: How does long it take the earth rotate on its axis?
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How long it take to Eris rotate on its axis?

Eris takes approximately 550 Earth years to rotate on its axis.

How long does the earth take to revile one time on axis?

24 hours (You spelled revole wrong and it is suppose to be rotate. The earth can't revole on its axis. It can rotate though.)

How long does it take Mars to rotate around the earth?

Mars does not rotate around the Earth. It rotates on its axis, and it revolves around the Sun, just as all the other planets do.

How long does it take for Mercury to rotate on its own axis in 1 day?

It takes about 59 Earth days for Mercury to rotate once on its own axis, so in 1 day on Mercury, it rotates only a fraction of its total rotation.

How many days does it take Neptune to rotate on it's axis?

It takes roughly 6.4 Earth days for Neptune to rotate on it's axis.

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Eris takes approximately 550 Earth years to rotate on its axis.

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How long does it take the earth to rotate on its own axis?

It takes 24 hours!

How long does it take the earth to rotate in its axis?

24 hours (1 day )

How long does a rotation around earth take?

It Takes One Day for the earth to rotate on its axis.

How long does the earth take to revile one time on axis?

24 hours (You spelled revole wrong and it is suppose to be rotate. The earth can't revole on its axis. It can rotate though.)

How long does it take make make to rotate on its axis?

it take Venus about 42 earth days to make a complete rotation on its axis

How long would it take for the earth to rotate once around its axis?

24 hours

How long does it take for Pluto to rotate one time on its axis?

1,834 Earth years

How long does Venus take to rotate on its own axis in one day?

243 days of earth